Keyboard does not work when trying to unlock encrypted USB drive

2 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 09/02/2014


I encrypted a USB drive, I stored some files in it, I removed it. Then I plugged it in and it asked me for the passphrase to unlock it, but the keyboard does not work in the box where I have to enter the passphrase. It does work everywhere else.

I can write the passphrase in the text editor, copy it and paste it into the unlocking box and everything works. But I prefer to fix it so that my passphrase is not shown when typing it into the text editor.


Trisquel 7 in Gluglug X60

se unió: 09/02/2014

Sorry! Forget this topic. Feel embarrassed, everything went back to normal after a reboot...

How do I tell the Forum admins to delete this topic?


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

You don't Jane. It's ok.