My parents think if I advise someone how to use free software I might go to prision
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This is very strange in my opinion but anyway.
I have been contacted by someone with a Arab sounding name who wants help installing Replicant on there phone.
I have offered to help them by meeting them on the Replicant IRC channel so guide them through the process.
my parents think that because they have an Arab name then they may commit a terrorist attack and this would then implicate me.
I think this is very racist but anyway they are very anxious about it and don’t want me to help this person so to try and reassure them.
Does anyone know of any law in the UK or Canada that would stop me from showing someone how to install Replicant.
No. That's about as absurd as if Wal-mart was held responsible for selling food to someone who later commits a terrorist attack. The only way I can think of that you could possibly be held responsible is if someone literally said to you, "I want to do X so that I can perform a terrorist attack, please help me do X".
What on Earth gave them the impression that Replicant is a tool that terrorists use, anyway? It's completely useless for terrorism. It takes away features from the phone, it doesn't at all guarantee privacy, you have to get exactly the right phone model for it to work, and it's a whole lot of effort. If a terrorist is worried about phones being compromised by the government, they either just won't use phones at all or they'll constantly switch between disposable phones.
"What on Earth gave them the impression that Replicant is a tool that terrorists use, anyway?"
They assumed that as you could use it without the government monitoring you (theoretically) a terrorist would use it to communicate.
but as you say they are more likely to not use a phone at all if they know what there doing.
> you could use it without the government monitoring you (theoretically)
This just isn't true. Regardless of what OS you're using, phone calls are not encrypted, cell phone towers can track your location without the cooperation of your phone, and phone providers can tell who you've called and when. Replicant can do nothing to stop this.
that's true. The only "privacy" improvement you get with Replicant is removing the samsung backdoor, nothing else.
I've personally help an oriental free software project, Uruk, and my name and Email is in the contributors website, and that's not illegal in many countries at all.
Besides, if you help him through to install a custom ROM, it won't be worse than selling him a thermonuclear weapon
I guess times are changing and we can't say that terrorism isn't a more popular subject now days,but it is very serious. Choosing to be free is now associated with be some sort of criminal? That's is very serious.
most terrorists are paid by the USA government. 2001 attack to the Twin Towers was a self-attack by the president George Bush, and they blame Bin Laden and the Laden family which was ridiculous because the Bush and the Laden families worked together being owners of oil companies.
Please cite your evidence in support of this assertion.
Out of curiosity, do you purchase the latest devices for your kids? For example if they really, really want the latest Playstation or iJail, do you get it for them, or do you offer to instead buy a device that respects their freedom?
And regarding the people who call you an anarchist for supporting free software, what arguments do they give?

I couldn't stop myself from clicking here after reading such an... Attention calling (?) tittle....
It's quite the thing your parents are estating... Does they have a proper knowledge about what is and what are the benefits of having free software or do they just think it's a "hacker thing"?
It's quite common to see some fellow colleges of mine giving me a weird look for using GNU/Linux. Is not like I work with some cracking or something program. By simple running terminal people often associate it with being a hacker.
We live in interesting times. Their opinion comes from a state of media driven fear, it can be very hard to reason with these people other than playing the long game of pointing out just how unlikely their paranoid thoughts are to actually be the case.
My partner always thinks I'm "hacking" (in the negative sense) when I have the terminal open, it is amazing how much opinions people base on popular media.
The news should really stop showing people in hoodies typing in a terminal window on their PC as "hackers".
Don't give Trump any ideas!
It's not worth making your parents worry about you. I disagree with their thought process. But if they genuinely believe it and you help this guy, then they will worry.
Your parents are racist and you should tell them as much
You are more likely to be arrested for breaking some sort of copyright on an iPhone by Apple than for showing someone how to install a custom ROM on their old Samsung
> Your parents are racist and you should tell them as much
No, he shouldn't.
Even if this accusation of yours is true (which I doubt), accusing someone of bigotry is entirely unproductive and divisive. If you get accused of "racism" because you think helping an Arab install Replicant is a bad idea, all that does is harden your heart against the possibility that it isn't.
Not to mention, accusing your own family of racism so readily just isn't nice.
Ignorance does not necessarily imply racism or bigotry.
Discussion and education can often alleviate unjustified fear.
Would this fear of a jail sentence be there if the person requesting replicant was a white american? I'll leave it at that.
>Would this fear of a jail sentence be there if the person requesting replicant was a white american? I'll leave it at that.
Would this fear of a jail sentence be there if the person requesting replicant was Hillary Clinton? I'll leave it at that.
How has Trump not jailed her yet?
In the USA, the executive power still requires judges to jail someone. Well, except if the "someone" is not American and the "jail" is the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. George W. Bush established this torture camp. He apparently thinks that an independent justice is a waste of time (c'mon: it even wants be shown evidences!) and that human rights need not be respected.
Obama tried (although not enough!) to close GTMO. Trump promised to "fill it up with more people" because "it's there, it's secure, it's inexpensive, because we've already, you know, paid for it", because "[closing it] turns out to be very expensive; there are hundreds of millions of dollars to do it, and I wouldn't do it" and because "Everything [Obama] does is not good":
I guess those arguments are worth those in favor of an independent justice, against arbitrary detentions, against torture... #ornot
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