New here ...

13 respuestas [Último envío]

I am a member!

se unió: 08/21/2014

Just wanna say "hi I'm new here".
Was searching for a GNU/Linux distribution without any propiritary blobs or other non free software and ended up with now trying trisquel. I'm pretty new to linux, well.... I was running debian on servers pretty much back in the -90ties (95-2000), but then "lost the way". After a couple of years now with reading and understanding where our sociaity is in terms of free internet, survalliance , security, anonymity etc. I decided to really try hard to use free software on my computers at home. Thanks to the community for creation of trisquel.

Tx and enjoy your day ....


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 02/01/2011

Welcome :)!


I am a member!

se unió: 12/23/2011

Welcome to the Free World )

On Пт., 2014-08-22 at 08:27 +0200, name at domain wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wanna say "hi I'm new here".
> Was searching for a GNU/Linux distribution without any propiritary blobs or
> other non free software and ended up with now trying trisquel. I'm pretty new
> to linux, well.... I was running debian on servers pretty much back in the
> -90ties (95-2000), but then "lost the way". After a couple of years now with
> reading and understanding where our sociaity is in terms of free internet,
> survalliance , security, anonymity etc. I decided to really try hard to use
> free software on my computers at home. Thanks to the community for creation
> of trisquel.
> Tx and enjoy your day ....

Happy hacking!
Ivan Antipenko aka akfio
xmpp: name at domain
social net:


I am a member!

se unió: 08/21/2014

Tx all.

se unió: 01/12/2014

Thank you and welcome!

se unió: 12/31/2012

2014-08-22 08:27:06, name at domain:
> Hi,
> Just wanna say "hi I'm new here".
> Was searching for a GNU/Linux distribution without any
propiritary blobs or
> other non free software and ended up with now trying trisquel.
I'm pretty
> new to linux, well.... I was running debian on servers pretty
much back in
> the -90ties (95-2000), but then "lost the way". After a couple
of years now
> with reading and understanding where our sociaity is in terms
of free
> internet, survalliance , security, anonymity etc. I decided to
really try
> hard to use free software on my computers at home. Thanks to
the community
> for creation of trisquel.
> Tx and enjoy your day ....


Be very welcome.

Feel free to ask questions whenever the need arises.

If you have read about free software, you might want to be aware
that it's not just about security or anonymity, but first about
"freedom" (which isn't the same as "gratis" or "open source"),
the four basic freedoms every computer user should have: to use
a software, to study it (through its source code, as well as the
source code of other software it depends on. This is where we,
as supporters of the free software movement differ from those
who support the open source software movement), to redistribute
it (through sharing, giving and selling), and to adapt it
(through its source code, as well as the source code of other
software it depends on. This is where we, as supporters of the
free software movement differ from those who support the open
source software movement).

Sometimes, a hardware/computer might not work with free
operating systems like GNU+Linux-libre Trisquel, this mostly
happens if the computer/hardware manufacturer doesn't respect
the users' freedom. So, the question is "Why this
computer/hardware manufacturer doesn't respect users' freedom?",
or "Why isn't this computer/hardware compatible with free
software?", and not "Why isn't free software compatible with
this computer/hardware?". (If you think this is called "free
hardware", please see the note below).

Note: According to Richard Stallman, the term "free hardware"
should be instead referred as "documented hardware". Hardware
must be documented so that free software can be designed to work
with it. End of the note.

Fortunately, there are organizations who sell computers which
respect the users' freedom, like ThinkPenguin
(, LibreTrend
(, GNU/Linux Computers
(GLUGLUG) (, InaTux Computers
(please follow this link strictly. Their main site promotes non-
free software) (, and Los Alamos
Computers (

Best regards, ADFENO.
Have a nice day.

Assinatura automática – português brasileiro:
– Blogue:
– Favor não enviar-me documentos do Microsoft Office ou Apple
iWork. Ao invés disso, envie documentos em OpenDocument!
– Se eu não te desejar um bom dia em meus e-mails, minhas
postagens, ou meus comentários; isto significa que estes foram
enviados por terceiros.

Automatic signature – North American English:
– Blog:
– Please do not send me Microsoft Office or Apple iWork
documents. Instead, send OpenDocument documents!
– If I don't wish you a nice day in my emails, my posts, or my
comments; this means that these were sent by third parties.

se unió: 04/13/2013

I added a link to LibreTrend to the "complete systems" list in the documentation. Do you know more about them?


I am a member!

se unió: 08/21/2014

Thanks for your welcome and comments ADFENO.

Yes, I'm aware of the "free software" definition and the philosophy behind it.
I probably express myself a bit ackward, however It is not only because of surveillance, anonymity or security I use GNU/Linux / Free Software - it is also because that I think it's a good thing that we move into a direction of respecting users freedom, which is the society. (Not only because of the surveillance - but that case was probably my real wake-up call).

Thanks for links and valuable information.
Have a great weekend !

BTW: How did you get this "signature" after your post - the blog lik info , etc etc.

Best regards,

se unió: 05/30/2012

This forum is also a mailing list, and some people use it as such. Those signatures are just their email signatures.

If you want to use it as a mailing list too, click "Mailing lists" on the right.

se unió: 08/21/2014

Welcome, nice to have you. If there is anything I can help you just let
me know.

It is a pleasure... Regards

El vie, 22 de ago 2014 a las 2:23 , name at domain escribió:
> This forum is also a mailing list, and some people use it as such.
> Those signatures are just their email signatures.
> If you want to use it as a mailing list too, click "Mailing lists" on
> the right.


I am a member!

se unió: 08/21/2014

Tx for welcome icaroperseo.

se unió: 04/13/2013

Thanks for joining us Abjectio

You'll find that these guys are a smart and helpful group

se unió: 07/05/2014

Welcome to the world of Freedom!

se unió: 06/29/2013

Welcome, nice to have you with us.

It's nice you understand the philosophy of free software, it took me several years to understand why it's so important and what exactly means.

I wish you like Trisquel not only because of its ideals, but also because it is an advance and stable OS.

Thank you for join us.