Nonfree Javascript
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The Free Software Foundation recently started a campaign for free javascript [1].
Unfortunately to many webpages still use nonfree javascript. One of them is SoundCloud uses a weak kind of DRM implemented using Flash and/or nonfree JavaScript. Flash Player is required on most platform, except iPad. If you set the UserAgent string in Midori to iPad you can play anything from Soundcloud without Flash. But the default HTML5 Player is implemented using nonfree javascript. But there is another player that works implemented in Javascript, published under an MIT license [2]:
You can also watch YouTube using only free JavaScript using the ViewTube Greasemonkey extension
If you don't need a browser, non-Vevo YouTube videos can also be viewed via your favorite player using quvi or via MPlayer using youtube-viewer. You can also download them for offline viewing using youtube-dl.
quvi and youtube-dl support many video websites. To see which sites are supported run these commands:
$quvi --support
$youtube-dl --list-extractors
Youtube-viewer also supports viewing user comments. Just run:
$youtube-viewer --comments=URL
Also, some 1-click hosters can be used without non-free JavaScript by using plowshare, a command line downloader (some hosts, such as movreel, work without requiring JavaScript at all).
On 31/08/13 16:53, tobias wrote:
> The Free Software Foundation recently started a campaign for free
> javascript [1].
> Unfortunately to many webpages still use nonfree javascript. One of
> them is
Maybe we should create a wiki page on the Trisquel wiki (or maybe even
on LibrePlanet) explaining some easy "tricks" to use various sites
without JavaScript? For example:
I don't recommend using Facebook, but it's possible to use without JavaScript enabled. (I have mentioned
this in another post in the past.)
Twitter users can use Twitter without JavaScript by using this link:
Facebook and Twitter are relics of my pre-free-software social networks. After discovering that they have some pretty dubious Javascript running on every page, I've enabled NoScript and that forces them to serve me JS-free pages, which are actually a bit cleaner and easier to use.
Thanks for the Twitter link. As far as I knew I couldn't get to the JS-free Twitter site without blocking JavaScript outright: their mobile page uses some JS. I think Facebook does, too.
This line on the campaign really made me chuckle.
"Email Greenpeace to politely ask them to make their Web site load without requiring proprietary JavaScript."
Because after all, politely pointing out to greenpeace the error of their ways has always worked so well.. XD
That aside, a wiki page might be nice, although I sincerely doubt the people who are that worried about a little javascript uses facebook or twitter.
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