ObConf in Trisquel Mini

6 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 05/20/2022

I installed Trisquel Mini 10.0.1 the other day, then I installed the obconf package for the Openbox configuration tool ObConf. It is a good complement to the LXAppearance tool. I then realized that the documentation seems to say that it is installed by default: it is in the Applications > Preferences list on https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-mini. That list has not been modified since 2014, but it would indeed make sense to include ObConf in the default install.

se unió: 12/20/2021

You don't have permission to do that modification?

se unió: 05/20/2022

I have dictatorial powers over Trisquel Mini, but what do you think about readmitting ObConf into the default install? I always seek expert opinion before deciding on anything, so my dictatorship is never seriously challenged.

se unió: 07/16/2022

I second this suggestion!
Of course, best would be to have one software to theme everything in Trisquel Mini, accessibility being the primary reason to have this.

se unió: 05/20/2022

I believe this makes two ayes, no nay, and one zany voice gone silent, which we are going to take as an abstention. I have now forwarded the vote count to the expert commission, after which we shall play table football and the winner gets to decide, as customary for Mini matters.

And remember: "In the long run, how many people use free software is determined mainly by how much free software can do, and how easy it is to use."

UPDATE: We now appear to have secured three ayes, which means unanimity of the triumvirate. My dictatorship is thus coming to an end and all decisions are now going to be taken by default through the ObConf preferences manager.

se unió: 02/12/2015

I think you should always have these kinds of tools. It's terrible to open up a window manager or desktop environment and not have the settings panel or preferences tool. Put me down as an alternate yes vote if you need one.

se unió: 05/20/2022

Thank you, we have processed your vote through our new decision system, and ObConf gracefully decided to confirm its great Mini return for Aramo and to honor you with an upvote for good measure. We shall celebrate the return of obconf until carnival time comes. Then we shall celebrate the return of carnival.