One month using Trisquel
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Hi everyone
Today is my first month using Trisquel :)
And is being great!!!
I use Trisquel-Mini. I could use normal Trisquel, my hardware supports it. But I really like how good and fast Trisquel-Mini is.
Without having face any major problems. And I really don't see why I sticked with Ubuntu that much before changing to the real thing.
To be honest I've clinical depression and being here in the Trisquel forums had helped me a lot to get distracted and don't think in those things.
I wanna thank you all of you for being polite and supportive, and make this community the best.
viva el software libre. Trisquel is indeed developed with user friendliness in mind. Good to see new people here.
hola ;-)
i read you were mexican
What is the typical music in your country?
I'm always curious to know how people found their way info free software. Would you mind sharing your story? =)
I was sick of windows, I found Ubuntu. Few months later reading on wikipedia about I don't know which program I read about the free software foundation. I went to the free software foundation site and found Trisquel. A month ago I started to use Trisquel =).
Full story:
Well my history begins with some scary programs called "MS Windows" and "MS Office". I am scared just by remembering.
Almost a year ago [Now that I think about it is going to be a year with GNU/Linux =)]
The slave era
I was tired of windows. I hated the fact that every time I installed a printer I needed a whole DVD of software just to use it. How is it possible that I can't decide which programs I will use on my computer? I asked all the time. This are not programs, are viruses, if I didn't want to install them and I can't remove them they are not software, but viruses
A few months before my false MS Office license expired and I didn't want to pay for an original license, neither a false license. So I found this "Open Office", that didn't work well on my Windows 8, a friend told me that she used LibreOffice on her work. I remember I said something like: LibreOffice is a copy of OpenOffice so is not that good Boy, am I ashamed of my computer's past. But I saw that OpenOffice was also able for linux.
The beginning
Back to a year ago, I was really tired of all this windows crap. Windows 8 everyday and I mean EVERY DAY took hours to update, hours to start and hours to shut down. It was rear to even use my own computer.
I said ENOUGH, and I searched "linux" on google (yeah, I know I didn't know a thing about the world.) A lot of sites said: You should use Ubuntu if you have never tried Linux.
So I downloaded it and I made a liveUSB. I remember feeling like a hacker just because I downloaded and installed Ubuntu. Half hour later I was mesmerized. It was the most perfect thing ever. My computer ran flawless. It was fast. It had everything! A full Office suite, that even allowed me to edit PDF's!!! I didn't need to install anything (I thought naively).
And I didn't came to windows. One day later I had Ubuntu on my office. Two days later I installed ubuntu on my mother's laptop. One week later on my brother's laptop and another computer of my office. A month later on my mother's other laptop.
Basically having a bunch of computers with Ubuntu meant reading a lot about how to solve problems. Searching about some program a few months later, I read about the Free Software Foundation on Wikipedia, I went to their website and read a lot about Free Software.
I wanted to change but, that would have meant a lot of work changing all of the computers. But eventually a month ago I installed Trisquel on my laptop =)
And I am really, really happy. (If you had read this long thats probably obvious by how much I had written)
I haven't change all the others computers yet, but that is because I haven't had the time, as it requires to do a careful back up of all my work's data. And I have to install Trisquel on 7 computers, but I've been working on it and I think I will be completely free in a couple of weeks :)
It was a really long post.. =/
So how about you? How did you found Free Software
Almost 3 years ago, reading about ways I could secure Win7 (I know.. such idea makes me lul now) I found out about Bubbuntu and I installed it. After 2 days of Buguntu I formatted and installed Mint Cinnamon and I loved it. Then distrohopped like a rabid monk for a year until I found out a pdf on Stallman, read it and the day after installed Trisquel. I then hopped to Debian (only main) and used it for over a year now. I will try Parabola next when I find the nerve x_X
Ubuntu is still much better than any win installation and a good distro to start, although I would recommend Xubuntu as a first distro, of course we talk about non free distros now. I would recommend Trisquel to a friend (usually it takes just switching the wifi adapter).
Great to hear your stories! =)
I first installed GNU/Linux in 2005. Had just built a custom desktop PC, but was unhappy with Winblows. Rumors had always been swirling about the superiority of "Linux", which I had to see for myself. I had no knowledge of GNU, so after a quick online search I found Linspire/Lindows (yeah, crazy, I know) of all things, and installed it. It ran noticeably faster on my hardware, and I was intrigued by the new and unexplored software world I was in. Found Ubuntu some time later.
Then in the summer of 2006, good ol' Dapper Drake was released (Ubuntu 6.06) and I got it on a CD in a magazine and installed it. Had a few bugs, but it was the best OS I'd used so far. Continued through all versions until the great 8.04, which fixed all the bugs on my system! Man, how I loved 8.04! I was lost in the "Open Source" fog at the time, but in about 2009 I read up on the history of the Linux kernel and discovered the GNU project, the FSF and their philosophy. Now enlightened, I saw the endorsed OS list, but my hardware kept me on Ubuntu.
Then in 2011 came the notorious 11.04 with (p)Unity, which for me was the embodiment of Satan... Immediately dumped Ubuntu and went distro hopping. I played around with Trisquel on new hardware, but I really wanted a rolling release system, so I got Debian testing with libre kernel and only main repo. Been reading on the Trisquel forums for quite some time, but never felt like joining until recently. =)
That's a good story gnu4. welcome to the community of triskello :)
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