one week l10n effort for update-manager
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As users from several countries use the English forum I would like to share the invitation here of a small l10n improvement opportunity as posted at:
If suceded you'll see your update-manager gui translated as this example:
Please help the small development team by reading the complete description and by sending all the collaboration through the gitlab issue or via the development mailing list, so it can be handled properly.
Best regards.
The screenshot in Ark74's message shows the one single window he is asking us to localize. Even thinking hard about the clearest way to translate each of the four strings, it is a ten-minute work! So far, it has only been achieved for Spanish, French, and Brazilian Portuguese... although I would not trust the gringo that made the latter localization! Where are you native Brazilian-Portuguese speaker (to check in a minute), Hindi speakers?, German speaker?, Arabic speakers?, Italian speaker?, Russian speakers?, Bengali speaker?, etc. Please help Trisquel with that ten-minute localization: (you can just read the issue itself and reply at the bottom of the page; ignore the two French chitchatters nitpicking).
> ignore the two French chitchatters nitpicking
The last thing I wish to do is nit-picking, but I believe it is "nit-picking".
Hello people!
As Magic Banana have mentioned we have achieved the following languages,
- Spanish
- French
- Brazilian Portuguese
The invitation remains open 'til Thursday 14th (in ~2 days) when changes will be pushed to the repositories.
There is plenty of discussion on the issue tracker, don't worry about that, as the description has simple instructions to follow.
Thanks in advance for your participation.
We are moving along!
update-manager is now merged thank you!
The next one we are taking care of is software-properties fixing some small details there.
Available at:
There are only 2 strings to translate, so this should be a quick one, so anyone interested can submit their collaboration by the 19th of this month.
Enjoy the holidays by using your localized Trisquel system!
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