OS Restart

7 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 12/01/2015

Hi to everyone, I noticed a strange behavior on my laptop with Trisquel GNU/Linux 7. While I was reading a code on Emacs suddenly the OS restarted, and it wasn't the first time. After the restart the OS checked the disk before restarting again and then I was able to use Trisquel. I'm confused... should I care about it?

se unió: 05/13/2010

Well, it's something bad yes and can potentially damage your hardware. Can you do something about it? Possibly, there are many things that could cause such behavior, including

Perhaps check your memory e.g. by booting off a Trisquel live media and selecting mem check. Are your PCI cards and RAM firmly seated? Does your box overheat, is there a lot of dust and do the fans work? Dust can cause strange effects besides overheating too. Are you getting clean power from your sockets? If not, a UPS unit might help. Or your motherboard might be dying, inspect visually the capacitors. And so on and so forth...

se unió: 12/01/2015

I bought this reconditioned laptop 2 months ago and they gave it to me cleaned and revised... But it's also true that is not new. So maybe there is a problem in the hardware... But I'm not an expert, so if it happens again I will call a technician. Many thanks to you lembas!

se unió: 05/13/2010

You're welcome.

se unió: 12/01/2015

Hi to everyone, I noticed a strange behavior on my laptop with Trisquel
GNU/Linux 7. While I was reading a code on Emacs suddenly the OS restarted,
and it wasn't the first time. After the restart the OS checked the disk
before restarting again and then I was able to use Trisquel. I'm confused...
should I care about it?

se unió: 05/13/2010

Well, it's something bad yes and can potentially damage your hardware. Can
you do something about it? Possibly, there are many things that could cause
such behavior, including

Perhaps check your memory e.g. by booting off a Trisquel live media and
selected mem check. Are your PCI cards and RAM firmly seated? Does your box
overheat, is there a lot of dust and do the fans work? Dust can cause strange
effects besides overheating too. Are you getting clean power from your
sockets? If not, a UPS unit might help. Or your motherboard might be dying,
inspect visually the capacitors. And so on and so forth...

se unió: 12/01/2015

I bought this reconditioned laptop 2 months ago and they gave it to me
cleaned and revised... But it's also true that is not new. So maybe there is
a problem in the hardware... But I'm not an expert, so if it happens again I
will call a technician. Many thanks to you lembas!

se unió: 05/13/2010

Your're welcome.