Parabola Gnu/Linux
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Hello to all,
So it is not the appropriate forum but I wanted to know if any of you used Gnu / Linux Parabola.
Last night pushed by the curiosity of trying it I downloaded the iso and I created a bootable usb.
Well, as long as the system is in live it works perfectly but as soon as I finish the setup I get a lot of errors and the system does not start.
Unfortunately I can not tell you the error messages because last night I did not save them but if someone who actually uses it is able to help me tonight puts the screenshots post installation.
Thank you all
Have a good day
I used parabola about 4 months and it's work fine on my machine, you can follow the same archlinux installation steps.
I have installed it many times, often with problems. Strangely the easiest way I found is to install Arch and migrate it to Parabola. The Parabola website has documentation on how to do that.
I've tried 1000 times without success.I think you are right,is better install Arch and than migrate to Parabola
Probably it depends from my ati video card that aren't compatible with free video drivers
Here you can find the problem that i found just right now

That's a problem with the MATE live desktop ISO. It hasn't been updated since xf86-video-* packages were changed to simply be xf86-video-intel, xf86-video-nouveau, and so on. I've tried manually changing the packages in the install script, but there were some other hiccups I don't recall. The Parabola main ISO without the MATE desktop works fine though.
After migrating to Parabola, I also recommend migrate from systemd to openrc. But only do this afret Arch/Parabola fresh install.
I've migrated recently, but it wasn't on a fresh install. It went pretty well, except for this one hiccup...
If any of you have a Wacom digitizer/device, the xf86-input-wacom driver will cause extremely long boot times!
It could be related to this bug :
Not sure why the delay doesn't happen on systemd.
That's how I did it. I used on of those arch easy installer disks I found online and then just migrated.
I seem to recall being able to install it without migrating (would've been years back though)
No way for me... :(
Many errors and problem...
I've installed Dragora on that laptop because is the only one with no problem (except the audio card that doesn't works ^_^ )
Nice to see people experimenting with free/libre distros.
Don't forget that they also have an assistance/help mailing list:
name at domain writes:
> Hello to all,
> So it is not the appropriate forum but I wanted to know if any of you
> used Gnu / Linux Parabola.
> Last night pushed by the curiosity of trying it I downloaded the iso
> and I created a bootable usb.
> Well, as long as the system is in live it works perfectly but as soon
> as I finish the setup I get a lot of errors and the system does not
> start.
> Unfortunately I can not tell you the error messages because last night
> I did not save them but if someone who actually uses it is able to
> help me tonight puts the screenshots post installation.
> Thank you all
> Have a good day
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, use o GNU Ring ou o Tox.
- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
(apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.
Though I have considered installing Antergos and migrating, I have never done so. I have always successfully installed and used a system from the regular installer. The resulting system worked well. I also installed with the graphical Parabola installer, but I didn't use the graphical installer. I did a normal install in MATE Terminal so I could use a desktop while installing (watch videos, &c.)
Although, these days, YouTube does not work in any way without proprietary software, and there are zero workarounds. AVideo may work, YouTube is completely blank when you visit its pages. I'm a little scared.
You can still view YouTube if you use the previous version of ViewTube Greasemonkey script and set the user agent to an older version of Firefox (this one should work):
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0
(you can do this via the User Agent Switcher add-on or by setting the user agent in general.useragent.override via about:config).
Here is the previous version of ViewTube:
(You should disable updates in the Greasemonkey settings for this script as the newer version no longer works.)
Another way is to install the development version of ViewTube. Indeed says:
- fixes YouTube for both designs
- fixes YouTube for new design
To install the development versions of ViewTube and ViewTubePlus, you first need (GreaseMonkey) and then to click on:
I had the same buggy experience with Parabola a couple of months ago, they're working on a new installer called "calamares graphical installer", have some Patience.
"There is a beta preview release featuring the calamares graphical installer which aims to be more user-friendly than previous editions of Parabola. This is a LiveCD/USB running the LXDE desktop environment; but note that the installer included with this edition will install a system that runs the Mate desktop environment, which will look somewhat differently than the live environment."
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