parody names
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Company’s we don’t like.
Nvidia --> novideo
Sony --> Sueny
Skype --> $kype Any better?
got more?
Some ones that RMS made:
The Amazon Swindle (swindles users into using proprietary software)
Digital Restrictions Management
The Apple iBad
There's also the Crook, which is Barnes and Noble's competitor to the Swindle.
I call Apple's stuff iCrap
Not so much companies I don't like, more 'just for a laugh'.
Slackwhere? Still used by literally dozens of people.
Fedupra Linux - just got it sorted? Just got used to the changes we introduced last time? Guess what...
USB - unbelievably slow bus
Midori - an ancient word meaning "oh man, the browser's crashed again"
Midori crashes a lot on Windows, but not so much on Trisquel.
NSA = National/Worldwide Insecurity Agency
In French : Google => le goût de gueule (the taste of moothe)
FaceBook => Face de bouc (face of billy goat) / Unsafe book
Apple => poisoned apple
SACEM => Société des avares, consuméristes et enculeurs de mouches
NSA = Nationnal Spying Agency
PRISM = Paranoid Reckless Insane Spies Mind
That's those I found
Very good name for diaper company =)
If you don't mind a vulgar joke, I thought Microsoft was named after their penis since it's both micro and soft
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