Plymouth Themes : Trisquel-Logo missing

4 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 05/03/2019

I have installed Trisquel8 over Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
For some unknown reason, it seems that installation of Plymouth failed
Searched the web and found the following procedure :
1- sudo apt update
2- sudo apt install plymouth-themes
(at this point there is no trisquel theme, so manually copied trisquel-logo folder into plymouth/themes)
3- sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/trisquel-logo/trisquel-logo.plymouth 100
4- sudo update-initramfs -u

Good, I now get a boot logo, but it is Ubuntu-Spinner, not Trisquel-Logo
I noticed that step 3 had no effect as themes/default.plymouth contains the Ubuntu-Spinner definition

I manually copied a default.plymouth containing Trisquel-Logo in themes, then ran step 4

I can now see the Trisquel-Logo at shut-down, but nothing at boot : no more Ubuntu-Spinner, no Trisquel-Logo, only a black screen until logon

I have to say that I need help to go on
Thanks in advance

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

I would try to install/reinstall the "plymouth-theme-trisquel-logo" package.

se unió: 05/03/2019

Good idea, would probably be much better than the patch I tried, but I have no idea how to reinstall the "plymouth-theme-trisquel-logo" package.
Could you please give me some hints, where to find it, installation steps ...
Thank you


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/07/2017

> I have no idea how to reinstall the "plymouth-theme-trisquel-logo"
> package. Could you please give me some hints, where to find it,
> installation steps ...

If you're comfortable using a terminal, you can (re)install any package
with "sudo apt install [name of package]", so in this case

$ sudo apt install plymouth-theme-trisquel-logo

If you'd prefer to manage packages graphically, I recommend Synaptic.
See this page[1] and scroll down to "Installing and Removing Packages


se unió: 05/03/2019

It has been impossible to install plymouth-theme-trisquel-logo, I have probably broken something deeper in the system.

Nevertheless, after a new fresh installation :
- Ubuntu 16 LTS
- Trisquelize script
- $ sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install firmware-linux-free
- $ sudo apt install plymouth-theme-trisquel-logo
everything is working fine !

Thank you