Problem.. with controling..javascript in 71.0 abrowser
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I just "upgraded" abrowser (71.0) (11-1-2020)
and it is shiny but makes problems..
in the new abrowser i have a problem
turning javascript on ore off via bookmarks..
in the old abrowser i had two bookmarks;
one to turn on javascript,
and on two turn off javascript.
the bookmark to turn on, javascript had the address like this:
i then doubleclick this above line in the old abrowser and it turned to:
and javascript was on.
and to turn javascript off, the bookmark for javascript off:
i then doubleclick this above line in the old abrowser and it turned to:
and javascript was off.
simpel and done without a plugin, I dont.. want a plugin.
But in the new Abrowser (71.0) this dosent work..
when i do the same as in the old abrowser..
it just show me a search field..
see pictures .. 1,2,3 and 4
i tried everything .. but it wont work as in the older abrowser..
Why is it getting harder to control javascript in abrowser..
Why must.. nearly everything in TrisQuel getting harder..
Where are we ending with the free as in freedom, TrisQuel.. ?
and sorry for shit and fuck.. im' angry and frustraited..
also sorry for my bad english 8O)
I don't know about the bookmarks menu for you, sorry. I don't really use it I'm afraid but by typing
about:config into the address bar in abrowser, then search for 'java' or 'javascript' you don't have to type it all out to see the option. You can turn on/off javascript here
It is even eaysier to type in the address:
as an address in two different bookmarks
and then click the bookmark and doubleclik the line
in the "old" abrowser... what is what i did..
but that dont work anymore, as my first comment discribes..
the "new" (71.0) abrowser only shows a searchfield..
i can the type in the txt and click on that..
but why is this search field stopping a line like:
> it is shiny
I can assure you that no one working on Trisquel has time to spend on
major cosmetic improvements. It would be nice if we did, so that we
could get our Gtk theme to have the correct window buttons for
applications with client-side decorations. Instead, cleaning up after
Ubuntu (and Mozilla, in the case of Abrowser) is pretty much all anyone
has time for. Any shininess is by accident. :)
Anyway, let's look into your issue. I know that it's frustrating when
something doesn't work, especially when you feel helpless and like you
have no place to begin troubleshooting. I'm going to explain a bit
about how Abrowser development works, so that it doesn't seem like a
black box causing you problems for mysterious reasons, and I'm going to
walk you through how I troubleshoot this issue, and Abrowser issues in
general, so that in the future you'll know how to take the first steps
yourself. Hopefully better understanding will help you to feel more in
control of your computing, experience less frustration when things go
wrong, and provide clear and detailed bug reports that can be quickly
addressed when they do.
Like most Trisquel packages, Abrowser is a modified version of an Ubuntu
package. These modifications are made a shell script[1] which unpacks
the Ubuntu source package, makes changes to the source code, and then
builds a new source package fro Trisquel. When there is a new version
of the Ubuntu package, the script sometimes needs to be updated in
response to upstream changes.
For most packages, the script needs updating every two years at most,
because Ubuntu only makes minor changes to most packages in their LTS
releases, and sometimes even the version in a new LTS release is so
similar that the old shell script keeps working without changes. With
Firefox (the upstream package for Abrowser) however, there is a new
version every 1-2 months, and the upstream changes are often substantial
and often bad. quidam works very hard to keep up with upstream changes,
but Firefox's quick release cycle, sometimes there are going to be
problems. Clear and detailed bug reports are the best way a
non-developer can help get these problems fixed when they pop up, and a
little troubleshooting goes a long way.
> in the new abrowser
> in the old abrowser
When something breaks in Abrowser, it is usually because of either (a)
something Mozilla broke, or (b) something quidam changed in order to fix
something Mozilla broke. In the case of (b), it's something we can fix.
In the case of (a), it is probably better to file a bug report with
My first step in troubleshooting is to look through the changes quidam
made[2] and see if anything looks like it could have caused the issue.
If you aren't familiar with Bash then you might find these scripts a
little hard to parse, but every change made to Trisquel is publicly
visible, so you can always take a look if you want to get an idea of
what we've done lately. Here[3] is the commit history for Trisquel 8,
and here[4] it is for Trisquel 9.
At first glance, I don't see any changes likely to affect the behavior
of bookmarking about:config values, so next, I search Mozilla's bug
tracker[5] to see if the issue has been reported upstream. I didn't
find anything in this case, but that could just mean that few users have
encountered this issue, which is plausible given that bookmarking
about:config issues is probably an uncommon hack.
When I can't easily spot the issue in quidam's changes or Mozilla's bug
tracker, I download the version of Firefox corresponding to the current
version of Abrowser and see if the behavior is the same. (Note: Firefox
has freedom and privacy issues. I do not recommend it for actual use as
a browser, just as a way to troubleshoot Abrowser.)
In Firefox 71, I put "about:config?filter=javascript.enabled;true" in
the URL bar, and found the it behaves the same as Abrowser 71. Had it
behaved differently, I would have next investigated why the problem
occurs in Abrowser and not Firefox, but since the behavior is the same,
my conclusion is that the regression is due to a change made by Mozilla.
For good measure, I also tried Firefox 72 to see if the issue has been
fixed (in which case it will be fixed in Abrowser 72 as well). Firefox
72 behaved the same way.
A good next step would be for you to report this issue to Mozilla (I
recommend leaving out the "fuck" and "shit" :) and hopefully they'll
fix it in Firefox 73. I'm afraid that fixing minor bugs in Firefox
isn't something Trisquel has the resources for when it's already taking
so long to get Trisquel 9 out the door, but if this issue gets fixed in
Firefox 73 it will also be fixed in Abrowser 73.
> simpel and done without a plugin, I dont.. want a plugin.
Enabling all JavaScript is not a great idea when you often only need to
enable some scripts to get a website to work. An addon like NoScript or
uBlock Origin really does give you more control and flexiblity when it
comes to what software you allow to run on your computer. Making
changes to your workflow does take time, so I understand your
reluctance, but I do highly recommend NoScript or uBlock Origin if you
ever have the time/willingness to try one of them out.
> and sorry for shit and fuck.. im' angry and frustraited..
As someone who has spent many unpaid hours contributing to and providing
support for Trisquel, I also get frustrated when there are problems.
Please keep in mind that volunteers are most willing to spend their time
on things that feel rewarding, and that they are much less likely to get
burnt out when it feels like their work is appreciated.
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