Problems with audio and vsync

7 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 07/30/2015


I'm making a transition from Windows to the free world, with Trisquel. So far, I have this two problems, vsync and no audio in my monitor.
I wanna know if there is a free way to solve this. Or the only way is get the proprietary driver for my gpu?

hack and hack
se unió: 04/02/2015


I think I've read somewhere here that upgrading the kernel could solve such hardware issues.
Ah, here it is:

But please wait for more experienced users advice.
Maybe there's a simpler way.
Also I suppose there's no garantee with the kernel update.

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

Updating the kernel may provide solutions. Have you checked in the "Sound" utility (in the "System settings") whether the speakers are muted? What is your graphics card? The command 'lspci' (to execute in a terminal) would tell if you do not know.

se unió: 07/30/2015

I updated the kernel as you and hack and hack said, but nothing changed. Check "Sound" and change the settings was the first thing I did, but nothing happened.

I have an AMD R9 280.

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

Next time, avoid AMD. Their cards have the worst support in Linux-libre.

The R9 280 is pretty recent. Have you installed the latest kernel (version 4.1) in jxself's repository?

Magic Banana

I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

jxself has just uploaded in his repository a new Linux-libre kernel that should make the radeon module work:

se unió: 06/27/2015

Vsync is always a problem in gnulinux for me when playing some videos from browser fullscreen. Not much you can do about it imo, even with the proprietary driver.

If you are trying to get sound with hdmi? try the command pulseaudio -K in terminal, reconnect hdmi, and see if you see the hdmi sound option available in sound settings. By clicking on the sound icon in panel and clicking sound settings. you might also need to reboot.

se unió: 06/27/2015

I just removed compiz from my machine and didn't realize how much it fixed the screen tearing for me. Now i notice some screen tearing without it.