propietary hardware/blesphemy…
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hi trisquel-users list…
want to use my macbookpro 9,2 and switch to trisquel.
allready hav an external ssd 128gb installed for that, right now there is 2HD in the machine, one for osx one for my user account.
trisquel does not seem to be able to recognize/open folders in second hierarchy?
besides usual desktop/internet stuff i want to record audio with a firewire focusrite saphire pro14.
desktop publishing does not seem to be a problem, gimp neither.
any suggestoins how to connest to vodaphone hotpot as wifi internet connection?
have a user account for that.
thx for any help :)
karsten harazim – tischler, imker, gestalter und erziehmöglicher.
wohn: berlin
trisquel does not seem to be able to recognize/open folders in second hierarchy?
Well designed systems have one single file hierarchy. Mount points for removable media are in /media. They should appear in the left pane of the file manager and, for MATE (I believe; I actually use GNOME), on the desktop.
any suggestoins how to connest to vodaphone hotpot as wifi internet connection?
Is Wi-Fi actually working? If not, please read
El 2022-09-17 12:19, karsten harazim escribió:
> hi trisquel-users list…
Saluton amiko!
> want to use my macbookpro 9,2 and switch to trisquel.
> allready hav an external ssd 128gb installed for that, right now there
> is 2HD in the machine, one for osx one for my user account.
> trisquel does not seem to be able to recognize/open folders in second
> hierarchy?
I do not understand this grammar. Please check before sending.
> any suggestoins how to connest to vodaphone hotpot as wifi internet
> connection?
> have a user account for that.
Check that the wifi card in your computer works with free software. If
it appears and detects the wifi networks, it is working. Just click on
the icon, select the network and put the password.
Why is it a blasphemy? Are you joking?
Quiliro Ordóñez
If you want to give Richard Stallman (the father of the free software
movement) a hand, visit
All information received in subsequent emails and the associated
attachments is considered public with rights to use, redistribute,
modify and distribute modified versions, regardless of any previous or
future notice. If you do not agree with these terms, do not send me that
information. Thank you.
what i got here is a raspberry usb wifi dongle from broadcom.
systeminfo osx identifies as this:
Produkt-ID: 0xbd1e
Hersteller-ID: 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.)
Version: 0.01
Seriennummer: 000000000001
Geschwindigkeit: Bis zu 480 MBit/s
Hersteller: Broadcom
Standort-ID: 0x14100000 / 4
Verfügbare Stromstärke (mA): 500
Zusätzlicher Betriebsstrom (mA): 0
package itself reads:
Model: WLU6331
bought it years ago from a raspberry pi supplier so it should work on linux?
trisquel seems not to recognice it out of the box.
karsten harazim – tischler, imker, gestalter und erziehmöglicher.
wohn: kattegatstraße 12
13359 berlin
fon: 0176 96 765 204
P Think before you print and learn how to use email secure on
> Am 17.09.2022 um 22:22 schrieb Quiliro's lists <name at domain>:
> El 2022-09-17 12:19, karsten harazim escribió:
>> hi trisquel-users list…
> Saluton amiko!
>> want to use my macbookpro 9,2 and switch to trisquel.
>> allready hav an external ssd 128gb installed for that, right now there
>> is 2HD in the machine, one for osx one for my user account.
>> trisquel does not seem to be able to recognize/open folders in second
>> hierarchy?
> I do not understand this grammar. Please check before sending.
>> any suggestoins how to connest to vodaphone hotpot as wifi internet
>> connection?
>> have a user account for that.
> Check that the wifi card in your computer works with free software. If
> it appears and detects the wifi networks, it is working. Just click on
> the icon, select the network and put the password.
> Why is it a blasphemy? Are you joking?
> --
> Saluton.
> Quiliro Ordóñez
> If you want to give Richard Stallman (the father of the free software
> movement) a hand, visit
> All information received in subsequent emails and the associated
> attachments is considered public with rights to use, redistribute,
> modify and distribute modified versions, regardless of any previous or
> future notice. If you do not agree with these terms, do not send me that
> information. Thank you.
bought it years ago from a raspberry pi supplier so it should work on linux?
With the proprietary firmware, yes. Without that proprietary, hence on any 100% GNU/Linux system such as Trisquel, no. As I have already written, please read
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