Question about Ubuntu/Trisquel binary packages

3 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 07/21/2019

How Trisquel is developed? I read the link under documents (about Trisquel development) but there is something that’s not quite clear to me. According to in the package-helpers packages are build from source;

“This set of scripts are helpers that modify and create the source packages coming from the Ubuntu upstream which need it.”

So my question is, is this is the case with all the packages? Are all the packages build from source or are there Ubuntu binary packages been use as well ? Or it is a mixed of binary and packages build from source?

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

As far as I understand, the Trisquel project builds all the binary packages it distributes from source. A "helper" may modify the source of a package (typically to solve a freedom issue) but most packages are built from their unmodified sources the Trisquel project gets from Ubuntu (because nothing has to be modified).

se unió: 09/13/2010

Right. Some programs need to be modified and the Helpers do that so that: The kernel needs to have blobs removed, Firefox needs to be rebranded into Abrowser (along with privacy changes made), Ubuntu branding needs to be changed, and more. In this way a person doesn't need to do these tasks manually each time a new package version comes out and you can achieve some level of automation, and "only" need to fix the Helpers when things break.

se unió: 07/21/2019

Thanks for your replies! That is a relief. I thought for a moment that Trisquel was using binary packages from Ubuntu.