Saving changes in Trisquel USB

9 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 06/01/2010

I plan to use Trisquel as a live USB where I can bring it around and use it on other computers, however I am unable to save and changes to the drive. Everytime I boot from the drive, I get the default Trisquel installation.

Can someone tell me how to save changes to the drive? Thanks!


I am a translator!

se unió: 12/28/2009

Did you install the USB Startup Disk Creator to burn Trisquel to the USB drive?

That application allows you to choose exactly how much of the drive's free space you want to reserve for saving changes.

Currently, your changes are probably only being saved to RAM memory.

se unió: 10/06/2009

I used the program to create a USB-based persistent distro, and had great fun for the first half of my work day getting my environment set up, etc., at least until I got greedy and decided to install KDE, which filled up the casper-rw file/partition(?), which seemed to "break" it -- i.e. I could make no further changes because the "disk" was "full". I have an 8GB drive, but was only able to create 4G of space for the persistence. Even when I tried deleting files, cleaning things up, etc. I had no luck, df still reported that I was out of disk space. Could someone provide more information about how this works so I can avoid that in the future? iirc, it has something to do with UnionFS and whatever casper-rw is, but I'm just not sure on the details.

Thank you very much,


se unió: 10/06/2009

An update: I tried re-creating the casper-rw file by hand, but then I was unable to boot the distro, so I started over. this time I was able to use the full capacity of the drive for some reason, so I now have a 6.8G rw file. I guess my only remaining question is, what are its limits (i.e. do I only get so many 'writes')?

Thank you,

Correction: upon checking df, I found that I only had a 2GB casper-rw file, in spite of where I had set the slider in the USB startup creator program


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 12/22/2004

> I used the program to create a USB-based persistent distro, and had
> great fun for the first half of my work day getting my environment
> set up, etc., at least until I got greedy and decided to install KDE,
> which filled up the casper-rw file/partition(?), which seemed to
> "break" it -- i.e. I could make no further changes because the "disk"
> was "full". I have an 8GB drive, but was only able to create 4G of
> space for the persistence.

The usb creator uses the VFAT filesystem for the drive, which is
limited to 4GB per file. You can use the script I made for the FSF
member card, which uses ext filesystems with no -relevant- limit:

Using syslinux-extgfxboot is recommended for extra coolness:

se unió: 10/06/2009

Thanks! I'll give it a try :)

se unió: 10/06/2009

Can you tell me - how do I use the files in syslinux-extgfxboot? When I started to install the .deb package for my architecture, the installer status read: Same version is already installed.

Thanks in advance,


I am a member!

I am a translator!

se unió: 12/22/2004

> Can you tell me - how do I use the files in syslinux-extgfxboot?

You just need syslinux-extgfxboot to be installed in the system that
will run the live-usb script.

se unió: 10/06/2009

I found help in these two articles:

which shows how to resize an existing casper-rw file, up to a limit of 4GB, and:

which shows how to use a separate partition rather than a file to persist changes.

I tried the latter first, and found that the live USB recognized the partition with no problems. I am now trying to transfer my changes from my old file-based casper-rw to the partion with dd (I hope it works...)


se unió: 05/13/2010

Nevermind this post, sorry.