Seeking for a backup tool

17 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 01/18/2012

To be short, I am searching for an application with a user interface, that supports updating/refreshing readily available partition image clones, so that I does not need to create a full drive backup every-time I make a backup. I already used Clonezilla to backup two internal notebook hard drives with success, but AFAIK it does not support this feature. Any suggetions?

se unió: 01/04/2012

What would be the source to update / refresh partion backups ?

I do not exactly know a GUI tool but in the end this could boil down to mounting a dd image file via loop back option (similar to an ISO), apply the changes from the source to the dump via rsync and then unmount the dd image.

I am not aware of any backup solution which allows to do incremental backups to a full dump.

Depending on your knowledge I would go for Python and some toolkit (e.g. GTK) or may be Gambas / Lazarus plus some shell commands. Gambas if you are more the Basic kind of guy or Lazarus if you worked with Delpi / Opbject pascal so far.

It is really easiy to hack together a simplistic GUI in the form editors today.

se unió: 01/18/2012

The source would be the first "full" backup. What I basically want is to eliminate the need for making complete data backups, when I do make a backup, say, once in a month. Since the majority of data will stay the same, it makes no sense to wait hours, just to have a difference of few megabytes (mainly documents, and scripts) saved.

It does not need to have a GUI, an aptitude like UI is sufficient, but I really don't want to play with Terminal commands, since I have very bad experience with this.

Since I am busy working on other projects (mainly with moving to cloud), and because I require a tool that I can rely and depend upon, working on a new GUI for some command-line tools is not an option for me.

se unió: 01/04/2012

You are still quite unprecise what the source for the backup is...
Your mounted home dir ? Do you copy your full home partition as dd image and want to add modified files ? All this is important since a full partition backup is a completely different beast than a incremental filesystem backup.

There is a backup functionality integrated into vanilla Ubuntu. Unfortunately I do not remember the name and have no clue if it is available under Trisquel.

se unió: 01/18/2012

I'll try to explain this as simple as possible. I have a laptop, with Trisquel installed, including my data files, like documents, multimedia files, various downloads, etc.. The data is stored on the internal hard disk, which is assembled within the laptop. Now, I have an external 1TB HDD, that I can connect through USB 3.0 (ExpressCard) port. I also have a Parted Magic bootable CD with Clonezilla pre-installed.

I want to make a "full backup" of the internal HDD, including every partition, MBR, etc. to the external drive, so I can later restore the "clone" of the disk in case of a HDD failure, and continue to use the laptop, like nothing have happened. The problem is, that I want to do this regularly, to ensure that my new data files will not be lost if something happen. Making a full 128-256GB images every month, also for multiple computers is not an efficient way of doing this.

se unió: 04/13/2013

I didn't read the part about the "full backup" before I posted about Deja Dup. I haven't done that with Deja Dup before.

se unió: 01/18/2012

Deja Dup is a general data backup tool. It does not do partition cloning, so it doesn't fit the task. Other than than, it's a nice app, mainly useful for recovering accidentally modified/deleted/lost files, using timed backups on the background of the most important stuff.

se unió: 01/04/2012

Hm, I would choose a different strategy. Put your home dir on a dedicated partition. Then backup the system partition(s) like / with a full backup. For your changeable stuff you could do filebased incremental backup like with rdiff-backup or rsnapshot.

To my best knowledge only the bootloader is the one thing you need to make a binary backup. The rest of your directory tree could be backed up at file base.

se unió: 01/18/2012

What do you mean by putting the /home/user folder into a dedicated partition? It's already on a separate XFS file-system, and that cannot be changed (XFS partitions cannot be shrunk), unless I recreate the partition from backup.

Since backup is not something I'd like to pay too much attention, I want to keep it as simple as possible, in other words, connecting the external drive into the USB port, starting the backup software, selecting to do a backup, and the application should do the rest for me automatically, hassle-free.

I want to do this once in a while, and I would not like to backup my local data from home folder separately, although this will possibly work also by using Deja-Dup, and this seems to be the closest way to do what I want. It's a shame Clonezilla doesn't contain such an important functionality.

se unió: 06/17/2012

I can find this list, which includes several free programs:

(I've looked at how the RAID technology could help with that, but it doesn't seem to be a good alternative:

I remember (/have the impression of) reading about a tool that did specifically what you mention - of only updating, instead of copying the whole content again to, a hard drive backup. And, this was for Ubuntu. So, I suppose it's a free software, also. The thing is that, I can't remember its name... But, I think the name itself reflected that functionality... I'm sorry, if that isn't much of a help. But, I'm almost sure that such a program exists.

se unió: 06/17/2012

Found it.

It's the "rsync" program - - included in this list:

The first three programs on that list have graphical interfaces. (Which I assume it's what you mean by "user interfaces".) And, the mentioned "rsync" program also has a GUI frontend:

se unió: 01/18/2012

user interface - anything other than working with command line utilities

RAID(0) is a completely different thing. It works by using two same 3.5" desktop sized drives in a way, that the same data is written on both of them at the same time, assuming that if one fails, you still have a copy of your data on the second one. This technology has several drawbacks I don't want to get into.

se unió: 11/30/2010

I'd agree with Darksouls approach. This method would also mean quicker and less corrupted backups, with smaller file sizes.

se unió: 01/18/2012

You mean by using dd+rsync, right? This will eventually be the first thing I'm gonna try, since it seems to be the simplest, and most convenient way.

Andrew R.
se unió: 09/27/2013

On 27/09/13 23:56, mYself wrote:
> To be short, I am searching for an application with a user interface,
> that supports updating/refreshing readily available partition image
> clones, so that I does not need to create a full drive backup
> every-time I make a backup. I already used Clonezilla to backup two
> internal notebook hard drives with success, but AFAIK it does not
> support this feature. Any suggetions?

I've used and recommend Unison. It has a CLI and a GUI (Unison-gtk), it
uses rsync in the background, and it's easy to use. You can also
painlessly use SSH for synchronising files over the network.


se unió: 01/18/2012

Does this support "disk cloning" and "image compression"? Both of them are important aspects for me.

se unió: 01/22/2011

rsync has many options. There are gui frontends, as mentioned earlier, but a simple script is very useful for me. Maybe it could work for you. Some examples:


se unió: 01/18/2012

Guys, thank you all for your kindness to help me with my problem. Unfortunalely, I was very busy lately, and was not able to quickly respond to all of your reactions.

The bad thing is that I was not found what I was hoping for, but at least there are some alternatives that, if they will work, I would be happy with them too.

The next time I make a backup, I will try some GUI frontend for dd+rsync, testing the ones from your suggestions first, and I will also look up for some others on the Internet.

At least I know what path should I take.