Setting up Emac Virtual Environment *Noob User*

3 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 01/12/2024

Hello all!

First thing I want to say is I am really glad to be here having Trisquel on a pre-build laptop I had no idea what I was getting myself into. With only knowing some Linux systems this was not one I had in mind and here I am. From using Debian based systems such as Kali and having Ubuntu dual booted on my desktop. This is officially my first computer with a pure Linux system on it. Not only that I have learned so much more about free software and the movement in general. I am glad to be here and I am excited to stay and to see where it takes me :)!

With all that being said I am running into some issues:

I am still learning Python and, alongside it, Emacs as my text editor. However, I've hit a few roadblocks related to package installation and setting up a Python virtual environment.

Here are the specific issues I've encountered:

1.When attempting to install certain packages, I receive errors indicating that "some packages could not be installed.
2.I'm facing dependency issues such as "python3.10-venv depends on python3-pip-whl but it's not installable.
3.The system reports that I have broken packages, but I'm unsure how to locate and resolve them.

To provide more context, I've attached screenshots illustrating the error messages and the steps leading up to them.

Given that I'm still familiarizing myself with Linux, Python, and Emacs, any guidance on how to troubleshoot these issues would be greatly appreciated.

List of questions I have:

1.How can I resolve the unmet dependencies and broken package issues?
2.What's the recommended way to set up a Python virtual environment in this context?
3.Are there any Emacs configurations or packages that are particularly useful for a Python development setup?

Thank you in advance for your patience and assistance!

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I am a translator!

se unió: 08/18/2020

Welcome here!

I have zero knowledge about python but from past discussions on this forum, I understand that on many GNU/Linux distros, this "python virtual environment" is installed together with pip, which cannot be in Trisquel as explained in

This issue affects most third party package managers that do not commit to only install free software, not only pip/python.

There was some tentative work to find a solution for python mentioned in but I don't know the progress now.

By the way, we call this system GNU/Linux, not Linux. There are some explanations why at

se unió: 05/20/2022

> I don't know the progress now.

It needs hands:

se unió: 01/12/2024

I appreciate everything you provided; it certainly piques my interest in Freepi's upcoming contributions.

Thank you for sharing the GNU/Linux FAQ—it's an invaluable resource for someone looking to become acquainted with the principles and practices of free software!