Share Your Desktop! (5)

59 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 02/17/2016

Canvas wallpaper (oil painting).

tampella.gif motif_painting.jpg
se unió: 12/18/2017

I have no idea if I break any copyright laws here... but yeah, I thought this was kinda cool :)

Screenshot at 2018-03-19 12:36:59.png
se unió: 12/18/2017

I just centered the image and made the rest of the screen same color as the background color


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

>I have no idea if I break any copyright laws here

How can you break a law if you don't believe in it?
Copyright is like the concept of god: I challenge you to prove its existence :P

Btw I'm 110% positive the wallpaper you linked is libre as in CC0 licensed. In fact you can find all the logos and the picture hosted on the website.

I like your desktop, you haz stylez :)

Actually I chimed in just to link to another picture I did a couple of years ago, using the same image..


se unió: 12/18/2017

> How can you break a law if you don't believe in it?

Fair point :P

> Btw I'm 110% positive the wallpaper you linked is libre as in CC0 licensed.


> I like your desktop, you haz stylez :)

Thanks my man!


Hah! That's fantastic! :D


I am a member!

se unió: 07/07/2013

> How can you break a law if you don't believe in it?
Copyright is like the concept of god: I challenge you to prove its existence :P

As much as I disagree with current copyright law, I fail to see how this advise could be helpful to anyone.

How can you break a law if you don't believe in it? I really hope you never find out the hard way.

Please read a basic definition of law:

"Law is a binding custom or practice of a community; a rule or mode of conduct or action that is prescribed or formally recognized as binding by a supreme controlling authority or is made obligatory by a sanction (as an edict, decree, rescript, order, ordinance, statute, resolution, rule, judicial decision, or usage) made, recognized, or enforced by the controlling authority."

I'm not telling you not to break a law that you perceive as unjust/inmoral/unethical. I am telling you if you do so, you should be prepared to suffer the sanction. Thoreau went to jail for refusing to pay his taxes to support the war efforts against Mexico. It seems to me to be a principled stance. He still had to face the penalty of breaking the law. Civil disobedience can be an important political demonstration, but those engaging in it should be aware of the risks of doing so.

Copyright is not like the modern concept of god in most countries as we no longer face sanctions for not believing in god.

As a final remark, free software licenses exist within the framework of current copyright law.

You do not have to believe in the law to be bound to it.

se unió: 04/23/2015

Here's a sitka spruce clinging to the ground being washed out beneath it. Took the picture from around KaLaLoc in the Olympic National Park, a rainforest in Washington State, USA. Flidas and Mate out of the box.

se unió: 02/17/2016

Window Maker

2018-03-30-105223_1280x1024_scrot.png 2018-03-30-111012_1280x1024_scrot.png 2018-03-30-111613_1280x1024_scrot.png 2018-03-30-112411_1280x1024_scrot.png
se unió: 02/17/2016

RMS mentioned (1989), Byte Magazine.
