Show me your torrent queue
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What have you been torrenting (or seeding) lately? I would advise against posting it here if it's copyright infringing.
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wow i see you just love seeding torrents that are the names of copyrighted things that only contain legal things!
Hah! I've caught you!
My entire account was made just for this purpose!
I've rung in the MPAA-- they'll slice you to bits, a-la the DMCA.
Nice try MPAA/NSA. I'm on to you.
Geez... I'm not a shill!
Unless they pay people to join a forum for two years to post a topic like this, when they could be joining torrent swarms and recording IP addresses instead. ;-)
not that i ever would dream of breaking a copyright law
dose anyone know of the risks in using the piratebay?
I think using The Pirate Bay is legal as long as you don't download anything illegal. It's usually used to download copyright-infringing material, though.
There's also Kick@$$ torrents. <-- Last word bowdlerized.
sry i meant the risks of download a torrent such as:
not that i ever would
by risks i mean would you get prosecuted?
I AM NOT A LAWYER, and THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE, but it would probably depend on the popularity of the torrent.
The odds of you getting in trouble for torrenting Gameboy, NES, etc ROMs are probably lower than winning the lottery...
I seed some GBC torrents, actually.
You could use a VPN, if you want to feel extra-safe.
i looked into it and apparently in the uk
this year there is a plan to send "educational" emails to
households that are suspected of piracy
and if they ignore them no further action will be taken
so i think as i am in the uk i am fine
and i guess i should enjoy it while i can!
legally that is...
dose anyone know if you can use tor with torrents?
You can. But you would then significantly contribute to making Tor slow for the rest of the word (although you do not really need it here).
could the nsa not just use loads of torrents with there super computers to make the tor network unusable?
The first answer is "don't run Bittorrent over Tor". We've been saying for years not to run Bittorrent over Tor, because the Tor network can't handle the load; perhaps these attacks will convince more people to listen. The second answer is that if you want your Bittorrent client to actually provide privacy when using a proxy, you need to get the application and protocol developers to fix their applications and protocols. Tor can't keep you safe if your applications leak your identity
To Torrent with a VPN one has to "Port Forward"
Tribler is an open source anonymous peer-to-peer decentralized BitTorrent client. Tribler is based on the BitTorrent protocol and uses an overlay network for content searching, which makes the program operate independent of external websites and renders it immune to limiting external action, for example, government restraint.[3][4] Due to this overlay network Tribler does not require an external website or indexing service to discover content.[5] The user interface of Tribler is very basic and focused on ease of use
GNU LGPL v2.1+
Tribler is an open source anonymous peer-to-peer decentralized BitTorrent client.
GNUnet takes anonymity even more seriously:
Correct# made an error there:(
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