Snowden Keynote

4 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 09/13/2010

Couldn't come to LibrePlanet? Missed the live video stream of Edward Snowden? Here it is:

se unió: 05/13/2010

Great talk, thanks for sharing! Also good to see the technical quality being so much better than before. I think Libreplanet is a wonderful opportunity to expose people to the free software movement.

hack and hack
se unió: 04/02/2015

Thanks, that was interesting, to say the least. It made me try again with Jitsi, and it does work more than well once the basics are clear, and the expectations of "plug and play" are gone.

To clarify, it's not as simple as installing Skype and run it, but not much harder ONCE you know what to do:
- don't get Jitsi from the repo because it's too old, get the latest version ( Compile or get the Package
- create an XMPP account from Jitsi (you can think of it as some kind of email account, using Magic Banana's explanantion)
- do the same thing on the other computer (not necessarily GNU:Linux powered).

From there, even desktop sharing works quite well (though I advise you to wait for the desktop sharing to connect, I mean wait for the remote screen to be displayed before allowing remote control). Goodbye Teamviewer and Skype.

Man, I even want to try it at work.

Back to the talk: I found interesting/surprising that he defended proprietary software (in a limited way I assume). Also, everything about libre hardware and infrastructures was definitely interesting.

se unió: 07/19/2015

I tryed almost all voice chat softwares like: Jitsi, Mumble, uTox.

I don't want to spend more hours serching and testing non working voice chat softwares.

The only working and easy to use is qTox.

hack and hack
se unió: 04/02/2015

qTox isn't as secure for now from what I've read, and I'm not sure there's a desktop sharing option.

Bottom line is: setting it up can be painful, but it does work (watch the video for proof), and it's totally worth it.

What did fail when you tried Jitsi? did you do anything close to what I've listed above? BTW, I installed mine not from the website, but from a .deb package provided by Magic Banana here: