Software Freedom Day

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se unió: 05/13/2010

The international software freedom day will be celebrated again on Sept 18th. That's in one week. What are you gonna do?

I'm giving a small lecture and an slide show presentation about free software at my university. And since the computer in the class can be booted from an USB or a CD (the BIOS isn't locked), I will before letting the people in to the room boot a LiveCD to show the presentation. And after the presentation I will surprise people by minimizing OO.o Impress to show them the non-windows desktop and give them a small tour of it and let them try it out while having the Q&A session.

I've done this already once and it worked pretty nicely then. It was a very bad timing, just before a holiday and only 7 people showed up then but they all seemed quite interested in the end.

se unió: 02/24/2009

2010/9/11 <name at domain>

> The international software freedom day will be celebrated again on Sept
> 18th. That's in one week. What are you gonna do?
I am part of the SFI Board. Please subscribe to the mailing list and
participate. Software Freedom Day is sadly not only about freedom. There is
also nonfree software and we need all the head count possible and big events
that promote more libre-only software. Please do participate and incentivate
other activists (that understand that freedom is the most important) to

> I'm giving a small lecture and an slide show presentation about free
> software at my university. And since the computer in the class can be booted
> from an USB or a CD (the BIOS isn't locked), I will before letting the
> people in to the room boot a LiveCD to show the presentation. And after the
> presentation I will surprise people by minimizing OO.o Impress to show them
> the non-windows desktop and give them a small tour of it and let them try it
> out while having the Q&A session.
> I've done this already once and it worked pretty nicely then. It was a very
> bad timing, just before a holiday and only 7 people showed up then but they
> all seemed quite interested in the end.

This is a great idea! Thank you.

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