Start Waydroid in Trisquel 11

2 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 10/17/2021

I have installed waydroid in Trisquel 11. But it is not launching from the application window. When I try to start a waydroid session through command line, the following messages are displayed. How to start waydroid in my system ?

Screenshot.png24.97 KB

I am a translator!

se unió: 08/18/2020

As the error message says, it requires a wayland compositor to be running, but if you are running a MATE session you don't have this. One solution could be to install weston (from Trisquel repositories) and run it before you start waydroid.

However, waydroid seems not to be in Trisquel repositories, how did you install it? Even though I see a source code repository for waydroid with a GPLv3 license, I don't know whether anyone checked reasonably carefully whether this is really accurate, whether the dependencies are free software too and whether the kind of Android it installs is entirely free software or not.

se unió: 10/17/2021

Thank you. After installing weston, waydroid is running smoothly.