Suggestions on How to Clean-Up a Trisquel 7 to 8 Installation

10 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 08/26/2015

Hi everyone, I want to open a conversation about how to maintain a system that is upgrading from previous installs of Trisquel. I know some of you may shrug and say, hey just do a clean install, its WAY easier. Howver, I think we learn more about GNU + Linux if we learn to fix our problems where they are as well.

I encountered some issues that I managed to get through during my upgrades which involved needing to make sure I didn't have any non-Trisquel installations and Repositories existing on my computers. Here are a couple of my issues. Please feel free to add your own.

1) After Trisquelizing from Ubuntu 14.04 to Trisquel 7 and then upgrading to Trisquel 8, I noticed the "Add/Remove Programs" GUI app seems to not exist. How do I install it?
2) After upgrading to Trisquel 8 from Trisquel 7, the "Files" file explorer still exists eventhough it looks broken under "MATE" (the default DE of Trisquel 8). How do I remove the "Files" app?

se unió: 08/26/2015
Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010
  1. Install the "gnome-app-install" package (installed by default on both Trisquel 8 and Trisquel 8 Mini);
  2. Remove the "nautilus" package (not installed by default on both Trisquel 8 and Trisquel 8 Mini);
se unió: 02/17/2016

I think the packages are called 'gnome-packagekit' and 'nautilus' respectively.

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

PackageKit provides an interface that is different from the one installed by default with Trisquel 8 (Mini or not). It is an alternative.

se unió: 02/17/2016

You are right.

I get an error when trying to view the help file. Should I install something that's missing?

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

Same issue here. The documentation is installed along the program. The click on the button should execute that command:
$ yelp /usr/share/help/C/gnome-app-install/gnome-app-install.xml


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se unió: 07/07/2017

> 1) After Trisquelizing from Ubuntu 14.04 to Trisquel 7 and then
> upgrading to Trisquel 8, I noticed the "Add/Remove Programs" GUI
> app seems to not exist. How do I install it?

$ sudo apt install gnome-app-install

> 2) After upgrading to Trisquel 8 from Trisquel 7, the "Files" file
> explorer still exists eventhough it looks broken under "MATE" (the
> default DE of Trisquel 8). How do I remove the "Files" app?

The default file manager in Belenos was Nautilus.

$ sudo apt remove nautilus

The default file manager in Flidas is Caja.

$ sudo apt install caja

se unió: 08/26/2015

I have another issue. For some reason on my Trisquelized laptop I have two "Main Menu" options in my "Control Center". How do I keep only the correct one for Trisquel 8?

Screenshot at 2018-04-30 20:23:25.png

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se unió: 07/07/2017

> I have another issue. For some reason on my Trisquelized laptop I have two
> "Main Menu" options in my "Control Center". How do I keep only the correct
> one for Trisquel 8?

I think mozo is the correct menu editor. The other menu editors I am aware of are alacarte and menulibre. I just installed both, and their appear as 'Main Menu' and 'Menu Editor' respectively, so it is possible that the extra menu editor you have installed is alacarte.

$ sudo apt remove alacarte

If that doesn't work, do the following for each of the menu editors that appear in Control Center.

- launch the menu editor
- from a terminal, run 'xprop'
- click on the window of the menu editor
- in the terminal output, look for the line beginning 'WM_CLASS(STRING) =' to get the name of the menu editor

One of the menu editors should be mozo. Once you know the name of the other one, uninstall it.

se unió: 08/26/2015

I removed alacarte and now there is just one "Main Menu". Good enough for me. Thanks!