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HI I Wanted to share my story how I concerned and now moved to Debian OS....
I am very keen to open source softwares means free as in “free speech not as in free beer. We sometimes call it libre software.
so I was very inspired with Trisquel and really it's work is awesome.
As Far as it's codename it is clearly stated in forum that it uses name after Celtic gods.
I copied from Forum Trisquel 11 Needs a Name
Here some rules to remember for names:
* Trisquel versions are named after Celtic gods.
* It should be a "searchable" name (that is, a name that doesn't have many results on search engines, so we can "take it over."
So Finally it concerned me from many days and now I am tired and failed to hope that it will be changed by community anyways I respect yours decision.
Now I moved to Debian because it looks like open source as far as we make it with Free Software just difference it promotes non free repo and softwares but by default doesn't install any non free softwares or firmwares so it looks sound same as Open Source as soon we not install any non free stuff from repo...
Thanks for listening my decision I will definitely move to this os when it make some changes as we are expecting.....
Sabir Saleem
open source dont mean free software. I recommend you read https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html Debian GNU/Linux is a nonfree distribution, they share, recommend and support the nonfree software.
Yes I know they share and recommend but by default doesn't contains any non free softwares or firwares.
so I see by default it is totally free to use....
so as compared to Trisquel I see in Trisquel I have naming issue and I myself concerned and in Debian I have no naming issue and I can follow Freedom myself....
I'm Christian but fake god names don't concern me. If they did, I'd have to drop out of western civilization, where we have names of fake gods for the planets, for the days of the week, and a thousand other things. Ancient Roman tradition still casts a huge shadow over today's society, there's no escaping it without moving to a cave in the desert and becoming a hermit.
I mean what we can drop we should drop and what is beyond our control we should do and use it at last resort.
Likewise as far as concerned about Debian I see no name of fake gods
because in Trisquel they endorsed it and about other you gave an example is just myth it is also about Nike and other to thinking it can be linke this but Trisquel matter is different they ask users suggest name for fake gods in their every versions.
if the name of the distro and their symbol of the trinity you dont like, i recommend install PureOS a free as in freedom distro of the gnu/linux based in debian.
And there's Gnuinos based on Devuan: https://www.gnuinos.org/
Too much religion is not healthy.
NO it is not extreme thing brother
In Every Religion it teaches that obeying and helping other dieties is prohabited so I think these technologies things should not use Religious matters in their distro so users do not think and worry about it.
I mean what we can drop we should drop and what is beyond our control we should do and use it at last resort.
Likewise as far as concerned about Debian I see no name of fake gods
but Debian suggests and can install non free firmwares and blobs but by default it is absolutely free to use so no issues much for that I think.....
because in Trisquel they endorsed it and about other you gave an example is just myth it is also about Nike and other to thinking it can be linke this but Trisquel matter is different they ask users suggest name for fake gods in their every versions.
> In Every Religion it teaches that obeying and helping other dieties is prohabited
This may be true for Abrahamic religions, but it's certainly not true for all religions. There are eastern religions, some of which are practiced by a very large number of people, that make no claims to exclusivity and have no problems with other religions' gods.
You say it is not extreme, but censorship of others is an extreme. You seem to be advocating censorship by announcing your boycotting Trisquel, all because of its naming schemes.
You may have to go outside of your comfort level to understand how the Universe is made. I think there are a lot of explanations that your religion can not grasp.
Brother we're following Firstly our Religion then everything nothing is greater than our Religion.
Secondly when I am saying that it should be totally banned, you're open to use your software but as soon as Muslim Concerned anyone who follows Abrahamic Traditions knows that it is stated that it is prohibited to wear and use any products which contains other Gods other than Allah and that is the Message of Peaceful Religion Islam
SO I do not think we should fight but we should have to see and respect every Religion what they follow so it is my own opinion and remember anyone can practice their Religion as he think...
this is not an extreme but if you think yourself agreeing other Gods is something obeying.
if you wear t shirt and in that tshirt it is written ALLAH IS OUR GOD
and you're bound to only wear that tshirts will you like this ???
I think it is not fake gods. "celtics" lived in Europe.
Don't take this too seriously. It's NOT about religion.
"How is "Trisquel" pronounced?
Trisquel is the most usual Spanish spelling for Triskelion or Triskele, the name of the celtic symbol in the logo. In english it is pronounced Tri (like in trim) skel (like in skeleton)."
You can fork trisquel and remove all things celtics. You have rights.
I believe this is no proper place for religious discussions, maybe the Troll Lounge would be more appropriate. Someone who until recently believed that Trisquel's name had anything to do with the Trinity has lost any credibility in these matters anyway.
So one user comes forth and announces they have a problem with the way the various versions of Trisquel are named. Six month later said user comes back and announces they have decided to use Debian instead, which sounds like a good idea. Problem solved, please stop shouting in the main Trisquel forum.
Wow, Using Name of Dieties which represent Religion and you saying it is not something to do with Religion anyways I was not trying to anything because I am using new os but I was giving suggestions to make it free from Religions names and dieties and whatever can make it difficult for a user to use think out of box for all type of peoples having any background this is not something I am thinking many peoples has same concerned anyways we have many open source alternatives for it I was suggesting you peoples to implement something like them...
Debian is ok if you know what you are doing but this is not always easy because:
- Debian includes free software whose function is to install non-free software
- many (most?) people using Debian don't care whether they use free or non-free software
- these people will suggest others to install non-free software and may refuse to help people who don't want that
If you want a free system without such problems, you could use:
- Parabola, see https://parabola.nu
- Guix, see https://guix.gnu.org
Installation is a bit more complicated than Trisquel but there is a lot of documentation, and others can help.
Unlike Trisquel, there are no versions, i.e. these are "rolling release" distributions. In "stable release" distributions, programs can be added or removed only in a new version, while in "rolling release", this can happen at any time. Usually, removal only happens if the program is no more maintained by its developers or if becomes non-free or requires using non-free software. In such cases, in the "stable release" distros, removal will anyway happen at next version.
This can be a drawback but for programs that are maintained, you also can get the latest versions (with bug corrections or new features) without waiting for a new version of the distro.
Some posters here need to learn the value of putting their random thoughts and rants in the Troll Lounge. This main forum is a support forum for people with actual technical issues running Trisquel, and should not be abused like this.
Remember Trisquel is made up of Ethical Issues also
As far as technical issues it is an essential thing we see ethical respect also
when we say not use any thing which has no source code and respect user's freedom from an ethical point of view not from our own desires it is because our Family Data will not be share or someone will not be able to use our identity to malicious things so FREE SOFTWARE IN RESPECT OF BEER NOT PRICE is something for an Ethical Point of view.
SO Ethics teaches us the respect of peoples so that is why Trisquel is not only technical and functional point of view if we only see functions so then UBUNTU IS VERY WELL IN RESPECT OF FUNCTIONALITY BUT NOT IN RESPECT OF FREEDOM
Sir what is the definition of Freedom do you only see in the view of technical or from all users having any background isn't ?
Even if it did qualify as a general software freedom issue, we have a general forum for general software freedom issues.
A moderator should consider moving this thread and the troll-ish rant thread that it spawned either to Troll Lounge or to General.
Freedom means Freedom of all users in every aspect not only security but all things user can even think
so versions name also be something all users agreed upon it is very weird freedom I see.
No Muslim in the earth if knows the os has versions names on their dieties will use but will uninstall immediately.
this is not an extreme but if you think yourself agreeing other Gods is something obeying.
if you wear t shirt and in that tshirt it is written ALLAH IS OUR GOD
and you're bound to only wear that tshirts will you like this ???
>"No Muslim in the earth if knows the os has versions names on their dieties will use but will uninstall immediately"
I don't know if that blanket statement is true. I know a lot of people who are of the Islamic faith, and I don't know a single one of them who calls "Thursday" some other name like "Root Beer", just because its name means "Thor's Day". Everyone knows Thor is a completely fake god and his name has no power over anyone or anything. These Celtic god names have even less historical reality associated with them than Thor.
"Everyone knows Thor is a completely fake god and his name has no power over anyone or anything."
Wow. You just destroyed the basis for all my religious beliefs. I feel lost and empty now.
"These Celtic god names have even less historical reality associated with them than Thor."
That's only because they have been absorbed by the imperialist Roman gods.
I doubt it is true. At my previous university, the computing system (running on Ubuntu) was named after a well-known Greek goddess. I never heard any complaints from Muslim students.
Idk what it means to call Thor a fake god. Who decides which gods are real?
>"Who decides which gods are real?"
Cthulhu decides. If they are fake, then he flops a wet tentacle into their medulla oblongata and makes them his demonic puppet. And then later he eats them.
this is not an extreme but if you think yourself agreeing other Gods is something obeying.
if you wear t shirt and in that tshirt it is written ALLAH IS OUR GOD
and you're bound to only wear that tshirts will you like this ???
Maybe we can talk more if this thread is moved to the Troll Lounge. This forum is for Trisquel-users.
"maybe a new name more relation with freedom can be better that something from outside the objetive of a free distro."
That what we are saying like UBUNTU
The Full Form of UBUNTU is from the Zulu word (ùɓúntú) that translates as “humanity towards others”
For only naming point of view not for supporting non free repo.
celtic gods I know it is their own Faith but every person is independent and anything other Religion Forbids so it is really a big concerned so many users moved towards other os who respect freedom and name both are in the category of freedom.
I believe only Microsoft Windows is free from religious terminology, as unix-like systems love the term "daemon" (named after Maxwell's Daemon, in which the term Daemon doesn't mean the Christian idea of demon, but closer to the Islamic idea of jinn). No it's not just systemd that has the term daemon, so far as I know it's impossible to use a Unix-like system (even proprietary ones like macOS or AIX) without anything named "daemon."
Microsoft Windows instead calls daemons "services."
yes good resource I will read soon :)
But will never leave linux for security point of view but Hopefully I will read and see what can be done :))
I forgot, there is also bash, the bourne-again shell, bourne-again of course being a pun on the Christian notion of born again:
I know Debian has a proposal to remove it, but no real progress has been made:
There are distributions without bash, such as Alpine or BSD, but I'm not sure how far you can get without needing to run a bash script.
For example here's a list of packages with a hard decency on bash in Alpine:
I'm not sure how far you can get without needing to run a bash script.
GNU Bash provides useful features absent from the Bourne shell and from other shells, such as Dash, that do not aim for extending the feature set of the Bourne shell. There is no theoretical impossibility to rewrite every "bashism" in system scripts. It represents some work though. As far as I understand, the main gains would be speed (Dash is usually faster than Bash) and RAM economy, for some embedded applications where every MB matters. But if avoiding Bash because of its name is a motivation for some...
You know I was going to say zsh has a bash compatibility option, but I guess it actually doesn't. I thought I read somewhere it did, but I've never used zsh myself.
I do wish distros would actually force all shell scripts in their repos to be fully posix compliant, and then merely force the user to have a sensible-shell package (like sensible-browser), which would be anything that is posix-like (bash, dash, ksh, zsh, but not shells like fish).
I would also love if distros forced manpages, but alas, no one asked me!
I do wish distros would actually force all shell scripts in their repos to be fully posix compliant
Why would they do that?
Some history about trisquel.
"Trisquel was born in the Galicia region of Spain, so the primary language was Galician, and Castilian and English were also included. In version 2.0, Catalan and Basque were added, and in version 3.0 Portuguese, French, Hindi, and Chinese were added. From version 4.0 forward, only English and Spanish are installed by default to save disk space, but an international edition is available with ~50 translation sets."
You can't denied history. Removing symbolic and name references will hurt. Because you are saying that the work of GNU/Linux pioneers are completely useless. Computer science, computers research and computers were made a "lot" by the Western civilization. You cannot remove or change the work like that. That doesn't work. It will hurt. For a name.... We have other things to do. My sentence for the day, "Study history before changing it". You will learn a lot about why they have made some decisions.
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