Tirsquel 8 upgrade disaster: windowing broken, panels broken etc.

11 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 02/19/2015

I upgraded to Trisquel 8 tonight and this happened:

1-Windows no longer have a top border with min/max/close gadgets. So Libreoffice Writer’s very top edge is the text menu. Libreoffice is an exception in that it has a document scope (not app scope) X to close on the very far right, but I can’t drag, move, snap, min/max, nothing.

2-When I double click the empty space just to the right of the first tab of the Icedove app window, the app quits. But not ABrowser.

3-Sometimes when clicking the lonely X on the far right side of Libreoffice Writer’s window, my session logs out. WTH?

4-Bottom edge of screen panel to show currently open windows is blank. Something will show for “Starting app name”, then it disappears and the bar returns to a blank space between launch icons on the left, and the system panel on the far right. To make sure it is a window switching panel, I added it again from preferences, but it just added a second one that also remains blank after “Starting app name”.

Bizzare enough? LOL

I’m on a Libreboot T450 from Minifree. It came with Trisquel 7. Should I reinstall Trisquel 7 or do you think a completely new install of Trisquel 8 would work out better than this botched upgrade?

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se unió: 02/19/2015

When I try to launch System—>Preferences—>Look and Feel—>Windows , I get the attached error.

se unió: 02/19/2015

I’m trying a full re-install.

se unió: 02/19/2015

It’s fine now. Install from scratch, don’t upgrade. Lesson learned.


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se unió: 07/07/2017

It does seem that way with Belenos -> Flidas. I wonder if this is true in general, or if it's an issue of the migration from GNOME to MATE and will be less of a problem with Flidas -> Etiona.

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

I did a fresh install of Trisquel 8 (specifying the existing partition for user data, and that it should not be formatted) too. However, before that, I never had more than minor issues upgrading, version after version, from Trisquel 3.5 (or was it Trisquel 3.0?) to Trisquel 7.

se unió: 09/13/2017

You can also try to contribute for Parabola where you are now keeping upgrading the whole system timelessly, unless you need more stability then you don't suit Parabola that's a rolling system (not LTS like Trisquel).


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se unió: 07/07/2017

> You can also try to contribute for Parabola where you are now keeping
> upgrading the whole system timelessly, unless you need more stability then
> you don't suit Parabola that's a rolling system (not LTS like Trisquel).

I went through a versionitis phase, but I've since come to prefer LTS. I will try Parabola on the Libre Tea, however.

Pablo G

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se unió: 05/16/2012


I had this issue upgrading my X200 laptop from Vikings (the last one I upgraded/installed Trisquel 8 of some hardware that I own)...and then no were windows borders and the menu of right-click mouse were blinking.
Almost the same information: window manager not working...or not window manager is used.
After some changes I solved it by installing a package called Trisquel.



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se unió: 07/07/2017

> After some changes I solved it by installing a package called Trisquel.

Not having the 'trisquel' metapackage installed during the upgrade could certainly be a problem. In Flidas it has mate-desktop-environment and other MATE packages as dependencies. Without it, the new desktop environment might not get fully installed during the upgrade.

Pablo G

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se unió: 05/16/2012

Maybe it is related to kernels:

Preinstaled kernel 4.13 instead of 3.13 in current version of Trisquel 7

se unió: 01/02/2017

I upgraded but luckily everything went fine. I wonder why...