too many bounces, list subscription disabled
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Hello Trisquel mailing list!
Today I received an e-mail telling me, that my subscription was
disabled, because of "too many bounces". I assume, that this means, that
the e-mails could not be delivered and that the mailing list is
assuming, that it is, because of my e-mail service provider, who did not
deliver the e-mails to my inbox.
I am not aware of any problems on my side and I received other e-mails
to this account just fine.
Perhaps it was a one time bounce? If so the limit should probably be
Are you sure that the mailing list is running fine and does not have any
issues itself?
Same result for me; I tried cancelling my membership and rejoining under a different username
but so far that effort has been fruitless.
In my case, my ISP let the certificate for my domain lapse, with the result that nothing could
be delivered to my inbox ... except SPAM, of course; that hasn't stopped.
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