off topic? webM how many audio tracks?
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anyone out there who knows where to find information about how many different audio tracks can be includen in webM videos?
Just like the Matroska container, of which WebM is subset, there is not a limit.
do you know any tool that makes it convenient to author such?
clips of 20sec
how is it possible to select audio tracks when published on webpage?
karsten harazim – tischler, imker, gestalter und erziehmöglicher.
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> Am 23.10.2022 um 15:22 schrieb name at domain:
> Just like Matroska container, of which WebM is subset, there is not a limit.
"do you know any tool that makes it convenient to author such?"
"how is it possible to select audio tracks when published on webpage?"
That's a different question. What the file format supports and what the playback programs implement are different issues. I know VLC has an Audio menu where you can select the audio track.
I did once a WebM video (of a RMS talk, after I invited him in my university) with two audio tracks (English and Portuguese). I did it on Trisquel 7. At that time, avconv was ffmpeg's substitute. I reported the command I used in :
$ avconv -i en.webm -itsoffset 00:00:02.88 -i pt.webm -c copy -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 1:a -metadata:s:a:0 language=English -metadata:s:a:1 language='INSERT-YOUR-LANGUAGE' -metadata title='INSERT-YOUR-TITLE' combined.webm
At that time (2017), I then wrote:
However if published on the Web, it is better to publish the two videos, with one audio-track each, because Web browsers do not allow to switch between audio-tracks.
Maybe in the WebM documentation you can find how many different audio tracks can be includen in webM videos.
> do you know any tool that makes it convenient to author such?
Why not use something like kdenlive, the backports repository has a fairly new release there.
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