Trisquel 6.0 Alpha Images
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Just an FYI, if you hadn't noticed: Alpha ISO images of Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.0 (code name Toutatis) are available, but 32-bit only for now:
Changelog is not yet available?
How do you know it's an alpha? Does Ruben normally only announce beta images?
I have several partitions on my drive, and I currently have Kubuntu and CrunchBang installed. I'd like to follow the development of Trisquel 6.0, so I downloaded, burned, and booted the 10/8 alpha.
Regretfully, ubi-portman failed, and I was unable to continue. Before it failed, a bunch of folder windows opened and generated error messages about not having permission for /tmp folders.
Is there no email notification of forum replies?
Been using Trisquel 6.0 Toutatis dev version for some time now and I have to say it works great now for my needs.
Edit: The best thing I have noticed so far is that the Trisquel version of Gnome desktop is not buggy anymore.
Check it....
I've had a successful install of the oversized amd64 iso from DVD on the Toshiba Tecra M9 with non-stock WiFi I reported problems with on the last (20121008?) iso.
Re-testing the 20121022 amd64 iso I find that my dodgy ISP has exposed the fact that Ubiquity doesn't timeout when testing archives. I've been hung up for over half an hour twice waiting for the the in. archive.
yeah. It is updated now.
Have you tried it?
Theme has been updated. Menu is now white. Panel is still buggy when made transparent. Abrowser is version 16. Background and splash screen is still the same from 5.5. Removing menu items does not work from alarcarte. Etc.
Still why we can not have native look of gnome3?
On Monday 22 October 2012 06:21:44 name at domain wrote:
> Still why we can not have native look of gnome3?
I haven't heard exactly why for Toutatis. But in Brigantia there were
a number of reasons of which the main ones were accessibility and 3D
support. It seems reasonable to guess that as Toutatis's code base is
from early 2012 and that was when Gnome's year of accessibility
started that gnome-shell could well not be good enough for this
Still you can get gnome-shell by installing the gnome-session package
and selecting a 'GNOME' session at the login screen, so if you want it
you can have it.
Andrew M. 'Leny' Lindley
On Monday 22 October 2012 10:01:01 Andrew M. 'Leny' Lindley wrote:
> Still you can get gnome-shell by installing the gnome-session package
> and selecting a 'GNOME' session at the login screen, so if you want it
> you can have it.
Or, having tried to install it myself you might mean that in the beta
the gnome-session package will not install gnome-shell because of
dependency problems. Which is a bug.
Andrew M. 'Leny' Lindley
Is it possible that graphics accelleration and software freedom issues
still prevent Trisquel from adopting the GNOME Shell as the default ui?
I'm glad Rubin chose to keep the Classic look as the default, and
offers the option of adding the GNOME Shell for users whose hardware can
work with it. Is Unity-2D also in the repositories?
In GNOME 3.4.2, the accessibility of the shell is much-improved over
that of GNOME 3.2.1. As a user of Orca for text-to-speech
accessibility, I can tell you, the Classic session is still more
accessible than is the shell, but the shell is usable. For people who
need screen magnification, I think the shell is better; they can use
GNOME's built-in system, rather than having to install the compiz e-zoom
plugin. All they need do is switch on the magnifier in gnome control
center; this can be bound to a keyboard shortcut, as in distros like
Vinux and Sonar.
Dave Hunt
On 10/22/2012 05:01 AM, Andrew M. 'Leny' Lindley wrote:
> On Monday 22 October 2012 06:21:44 name at domain wrote:
>> Still why we can not have native look of gnome3?
> I haven't heard exactly why for Toutatis. But in Brigantia there were
> a number of reasons of which the main ones were accessibility and 3D
> support. It seems reasonable to guess that as Toutatis's code base is
> from early 2012 and that was when Gnome's year of accessibility
> started that gnome-shell could well not be good enough for this
> release.
> Still you can get gnome-shell by installing the gnome-session package
> and selecting a 'GNOME' session at the login screen, so if you want it
> you can have it.
> Andrew M. 'Leny' Lindley
I was guessing. It is also possible that the llvmpipe code required to get Gnome-shell on 2D only displays isn't in good enough form in Ubuntu 12.04.
However, from past statements I know accessibility is very important to Trisquel. Your feedback the gnome-shell as of the 12.04 code is better for some accessibility uses will be a valued input from the alpha / beta testing. Can I suggest that if you don't hear anything else you at least add it as a suggestion to the wiki bug report page assuming we get one later in the tests.
the trisquel-mini 6.0 amd64 alpha still contains this bug with the installer:
On Monday 22 October 2012 22:25:45 name at domain wrote:
> the trisquel-mini 6.0 amd64 alpha still contains this bug with the
> installer:
I've named the culprit line of (trisquel only) code in issue
5141. It is the same line in 6.0 .
My short report about Trisquel Mini 6.0 alpha :
trisquel-mini_6.0-20121021_i686.iso was installed inside a virtual machine and succesfully ran and upgraded.
Looks great. Good job!
I just added this bug about (i) "firefox*" being available to apt-get installation within 2012102{1,2} live and installed systems and (ii) "firefox-l10n-??" being installed instead of "abrowser-l10n-??" in the automated localization process which succeeds system installation:
I filed it as a 5.5 bug because there was no 6.0 option at the moment – the reason why I don't know if it's desirable to do it; I decided to make it, though, as it wouldn't be nice to see raw Firefox "slipping" into stable Toutatis :-)
I noticed no other problems so far.
Still it is missing a gui tool to change proxy settings.
If Trisquel comes by default with compiz is necessary to correct the problem of alt+tab.
This one Ubuntu problem, because alt+tab is included in Unity since version 11.10.
When I was playing with the 21-October I18N image, I had to manually
define all those shortcuts, including 'alt+tab', 'alt+f2', and 'alt+f1'.
An update undid my shortcuts; I couldn't even use the terminal
launcher shortcut to set things up again in system settings. Not sure
what package(s) would have done this; it was a result of the usual
'sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade' sequence.
And also the Snap Window problem, and the Top Mouse Bug problem (didn't find the bug reports on launchpad but you get the point).
Only one bug has been corrected in Ubuntu 12.10 (and not in 12.04.. don't even know why since it is an LTS).
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