Trisquel 8 upgrade: Power Off/Restart/Suspend/Lock Screen/Log Out broken

5 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 06/26/2018

Hi to all,

I purchased a Libiquity Taurinus X200 about 18 months ago as a first try of freeware. My machine runs Libreboot for firmware and was running Trisquel v. 7 successfully with very few bugs.

I recently ran the upgrade to 8 through the Trisquel updater program. An initial problem was the panel was not running, but after finding the gnome-panel executable that feature is now back to normal.

A remaining issue is that the Power Off/Restart/Suspend/Lock Screen/Log Out features are all broken. the icons are visible, they can be selected and clicked, but they are not completing the task.

Sadly my technical knolwedge is rudimentary and ends with AP C++ in H.S. 14 years ago, so if anyone has suggestions for how to jump start these features into functionality if you could break it down into simple steps I would deeply appreciate it. Thank you all in advance for your time in reading this post.


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se unió: 07/07/2017

Try installing the packages 'trisquel' and 'trisquel-recommended'.

se unió: 06/26/2018

Thank you for the reply mason. I checked the packages through the Synaptic Package Manager and noticed "trisquel" was not installed and configured, although "trisquel-recommended" was.

I added the "trisquel" package and noticed it did make some changes to my Panel, but it did not resolve the Power Off/Restart etc functionality.

I did notice there was a seemingly odd mix of packages installed. I have attached the screenshots here of trisquel related packages to see if it is configured in an odd way.

Thank you for your time and effort in your response.

Screenshot from 2018-06-27 15-50-03.png Screenshot from 2018-06-27 15-50-25.png Screenshot from 2018-06-27 15-50-54.png Screenshot from 2018-06-27 15-51-10.png

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se unió: 07/07/2017

None of those packages look problematic.

To clarify what's going on, Trisquel 8 uses MATE as its default desktop environment, whereas Trisquel 7 and earlier used GNOME. The transition is why the upgrade process is a little messy. The 'trisquel' metapackage installs everything needed for the default desktop environment. Because 'trisquel' was not installed while you upgraded, you were missing some components of the MATE desktop environment after the upgrade.

You say that you are using gnome-panel. I'm not sure how you are running it (as a startup application perhaps?) but you won't need it anymore. mate-panel should be doing that job now. If you are indeed using gnome-panel, then it might explain why the shutdown icons don't work, as they will attempt to launch GNOME's shutdown dialog instead of MATE's. Double check that mate-panel is installed, uninstall gnome-panel, and log in/or or reboot. Hopefully you will then have mate-panel running and it will work.

If you still have a panel when you log in, but the shutdown/restart icons still don't work, open a a terminal with Crtl+Alt+T, type "mate-session-save --shutdown-dialog" (without the quotes) and press enter? The expected behavior is that you will be prompted to shutdown/restart/hiberate/etc. If this happens, select "Cancel", and whether or not it happens, copy (Ctrl+Shift+C) any error messages that are printed to the terminal and paste them here.

If you have no panel at all when you log in, install the package 'dconf-editor' and run it. If you don't have access to the main menu, and you don't have a launcher like Synapse installed, run it from a terminal. In dconf-editor, go to org -> mate -> desktop->session -> required-components and look at the "panel" field. If the value is blank or says anything other than mate-panel, double click the field and set it to mate-panel. Then log out/in or reboot again.

se unió: 06/26/2018

Thank you mason, after removing gnome-panel everytihng is now working as intended.

You not only helped me de-bug the problem but I also learned more about how Trisquel works as someone on the lower end of technical skills.

Hats off and thanks again for your time in reading and responding to my question.

se unió: 10/05/2017

BobbyBeagle, for your information, please don't use the term “freeware” as a synonym for “free software.” The term “freeware” was used often in the 1980s for programs released only as executables, with source code not available. Today it has no particular agreed-on definition.

Have a look here for more information about this term and others: