Trisquel 8.0 proposal: Include Guix

7 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 04/21/2016

Hello :)

I would like to suggest that Trisquel 8.0 includes Guix the package manager, (not confuse with GuixSD the distribution)

I know it may be too late and that there is more work to do it, but I've been using Guix and it is so good.

And also it is an easy way to get newer packages without using ppa.

It will also help to avoid the problems that Flatpak and Snap would be to Trisquel users as those methods doesn't have any interest on protect Freedom whatsoever, and don't have guidelines against Free Software.

Anyway if it is not possible I know I can install it myself but it would be great to already have it :)

se unió: 04/21/2016

Sorry jajaj
and don't have guidelines against Free Software.

I obviously meant proprietary software.

Please don't kill me :)

se unió: 02/23/2012

You mean having it instead of apt ?

se unió: 05/30/2012

I'm pretty sure he just meant having it installed by default.

se unió: 04/21/2016


I wont suggest to get rid of apt :) just to also have Guix


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

>get rid of apt


se unió: 05/14/2015

I support the proposal for Trisquel 8 to support GUIX, but I also think it should support Flatpak and Snap.

"It will also help to avoid the problems that Flatpak and Snap would be to Trisquel users as those methods doesn't have any interest on protect Freedom whatsoever, and don't have guidelines against Free Software."

I'm not sure what you're basing this on, have the Flatpak and Snap devs made dismissive comments about software freedom? But even if they have, the same is true to some degree of every non-GNU project including the Linux kernel. Plenty of software in Trisquel can be used (if the user decides) as a platform for non-free software, the most obvious example being ABrowser, which can be used to run non-free Javascript etc.

I don't think either of these are good reasons for Trisquel to not support Flatpak or Snap packaging, assuming production-ready, 100% libre implementations are available. Not supporting two of the available standards for *universal* GNU/Linux binaries would just become another reason for users to choose a non-free distro over Trisquel.

se unió: 08/11/2014

That's a great idea, actually.
It's default in GuixSD, but GuixSD is niche-- Trisquel is "more mainstream" by GNU/Linux standards, so it'd be great for Guix if it were installed by default!