Trisquel on raspberry pi 5.

10 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 02/23/2024

Hello everybody. I want to run trisquel on my raspberry pi 5 device. I can not find arm64 iso file. I find one file that ends with tar.bz2. I tried to convert this file to iso but its not working.

I have 2 device for burn iso to sd card. Laptop with Windows 10 and raspberry pi 3 with raspberry pi os.

I dont have too much information about this kind of things. Please help me.

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

Ark74 (one of the main Trisquel developers) recently wrote:

armhf/arm64 should be seen as experimental, as we can't confirm any SBC or arm SoC being able to install Trisquel by itself, the tarballs are some debootstrap environments, that could be used to test, but there is plenty of experiment required on that regard.

se unió: 02/23/2024

Im so sorry. My english is not that good. I also use translate but i didnt understand what he want to say.
I just wonder its possible or not

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

Trisquel's support for the ARM architecture is experimental. There is no Trisquel ISO for ARM. Only debootstrap environments.

se unió: 02/23/2024

thank you brother, i really appreciate it.


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se unió: 07/15/2009

There is a trisquel arm64 netinstall ISO, but it requires for the arm64 machine to have a bootloader (UEFI) in order to be used.

There is even the first arm64 install already documented;

No SBC that I know yet have such support. As it has been pointed several times, the arm/ppc64el support should be seen as experimental, even when the repos are complete.


Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

There is a trisquel arm64 netinstall ISO

Good to know and sorry for the misinformation.


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se unió: 07/15/2009

Until Simon reported it was used on a live system, I was not aware it was working at all, so I didn't promote it.

That was great news :)

se unió: 11/05/2013

I tried Debian Brookworm 12 on RaspberryPie 4 but it's not that good compared to their own OS. What would you recommend as an alternative to the raspberrypie in itself ?


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se unió: 07/15/2009

It is well known that Raspberry Pi's require blobs in order to boot.
I'm not sure about rpi5, but it is very likely it will be the case.

I'll try to get a RockPi 4 (RK3399) and test, as they claim no blob is required for it to boot, please don't expect news soon, as there are some other issues that require priority attention.


se unió: 12/01/2023

> I'll try to get a RockPi 4 (RK3399) and test, as they claim no blob is required for it to boot, please don't expect news soon, as there are some other issues that require priority attention.

Can confirm it works on Rock Pi 4 to boot without blobs.