Uruk GNU/Linux 3.0 alpha-1

1 respuesta [Último envío]
se unió: 05/02/2015

Some time we late, some time we fail, but we never give up, because what we mastered is the challenge and not giving up!
and we believe "Even the youngest person can change the course of the future."
So we still Flying; and now we bring new armor; Uruk GNU/Linux 3.0!
it's still in the alpha stage, and you may have issues about broken packages, settings or functionality, so we need your assist to feeding back about any bugs, fixes, opinions or suggestions to make it better.
you can download it from here:

and you can sends email via mailing list or directly to developers for any opinions or suggestions, or sending bugs in uruk bug tracker.

Let The Fork Be With You

se unió: 05/01/2018

Looking forward to FSF endorsement.