Use both eth0 and wlan1

1 respuesta [Último envío]
Lara Tris
se unió: 12/25/2014

I run Trisquel 7. I have connected to a wifi router while at the same
time I have tried to reprogram a second router. So one is on eth0 and
has no Internet connection. The other is wlan1 and HAS internet. I use
the regular Network manager and nothing. I have to use one connection or
the browser gives an error.

Is there a work around? In the GUI, please.


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

evolution can be easily removed - use synaptic and check the "evolution" entries one by one - just leave out the couple that breaks gnome-panel and trisquel session among other several things
viva icedove