VAAPI Driver
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Hi to everyone! After upgrading to Trisquel 9 mini with the command "sudo sed -i 's/flidas/etiona/' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade", I have noticed with the command "vrms" that there is the following non-free package installed on my desk: i965-va-driver , VAAPI driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family. It is strange! Thank you for the attention.
> However it's strange, because vrms with Trisquel 8 mini did say always "There are not non-free packages - rms would be proud!"
vrms just checks to see if you have any packages from debian's main and non-free repository. Non-free software could be installed from another source, and RMS would not be proud, but vrms would tell you that he is.
> In that link there is even "apt", but Trisquel utilizes apt.
Did you actually read the entry for apt?
> The question is: is VAAPI driver really free (as freedom)?
See for yourself.[1] It looks like the upstream package has some non-free files, but in Debian-based distros like Trisquel those files are removed.[2]
It is in Debian main, so vrms shouldn't flag it. The only non-free package with a similar name is i965-va-driver-shaders[3]. Maybe there is something wrong with your version of vrms (where did you get it? Trisquel doesn't have it).
I get vrms from Debian. Thank you for the attention and response. I will remove it.
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