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I am looking for a good, free & open source IDE or editor for C programming.
I tried codeblocks but I have problems with it and I'm looking for something new.
VSCodium is like VS Code but without telemetry etc.
Any opinions about this software?
Do you know of a good software for learning C language?
I learned C by reading The C Programming Language and the only tools I ever used for programming in C are emacs to edit and view code and makefile, cscope to search in a large code base, and the terminal to run make.
If you start emacserver in emacs and set cscope to use emacsclient as editor, cscope opens files in your existing emacs window. You don't need to learn that many things about emacs, I have only ever used shortcuts to open, save, copy, paste, split or merge space in a window, optionally enlarge and shrink space.
Probably vim is good too but I have been used to emacs.
It is worth spending a few hours practicing the "Emacs Tutorial", in its Help menu.
As for vim, well... learn Emacs instead. Unless you are masochist. :-)
Geany is very good and I am using it to teach C programming at my class.
$ sudo apt install geany
Best regards,
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