what about using lightspark instead of gnash and Swfdec?

41 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 04/08/2010

Anyone has information about that, or did anyone try it?
What are your opinions?

se unió: 03/12/2010

I think Gnash it's still the best for now.


I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

I had quite some problems with Gnash, it just won't load videos for me. The space on the website where the video should be, remeains black, or grey. Swfdec on the other hand loads everything, not with perfect performance, but still.How can I even figure out what's going on there? Never used free flash alternatives before.

se unió: 03/12/2010

I have to tell you that the free alternatives, unfortunatly, are pretty bad.
From which site are you trying to view the flash videos?


I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

I've tried youtube of course. In and on itself this site gives funny results, some times gnash will load videos, sometimes it won't (with same videos).

If videos do not load, I get one of the two:
the player interface will load, but the video won't run. Instead I see the message: an error occured, please try again later.
Sometimes even the interface won't load and the video is just a big black spot, nothing more.

I figured it has to be possible to somehow fix this, since the same videos are sometimes played back and sometimes not. What can affect it that way?

se unió: 02/24/2009

2010/7/29 <name at domain>

> I've tried youtube of course. In and on itself this site gives funny
> results, some times gnash will load videos, sometimes it won't (with same
> videos).
> If videos do not load, I get one of the two:
> the player interface will load, but the video won't run. Instead I see the
> message: an error occured, please try again later.
> Sometimes even the interface won't load and the video is just a big black
> spot, nothing more.
> Do you have the same problems with SwfDec?
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I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

No, swfdec plays videos with quite slow performance, but it actually plays them. I tried removing swfdec and enabling gnash again, and it didn't load any youtube video I threw at it. If gnash is started from the command line with the link of the video I'm trying to watch, it just says "[1] 2626", then after a while "Could not load movie".


I am a translator!

se unió: 07/27/2010

All right, problem solved: I installed greasemonkey and this small addon for it, that allows to view youtube videos bypassing their flash player through the video player plugin in Firefox! That's really awesome : )

se unió: 04/08/2010

does it work only with the Youtube website (or sites like that) or is it kinda "universal" for every flash content on web pages?Thanks in advance


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

Gnash works fine on all videos on youtube (all I have watched, at least), the only thing is that you have to disable cookies on your web browser. You may do so by blocking cookies only for youtube under "preferences". As for other sites, it does not always work. There is some discussion here:http://trisquel.info/es/forum/gnash-seems-work-youtube-if-you-disable-cookies

Luis A. Guzmán García
se unió: 06/13/2009

On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 5:45 PM, <name at domain> wrote:

> Gnash works fine on all videos on youtube (all I have watched, at least),
> the only thing is that you have to disable cookies on your web browser. You
> may do so by blocking cookies only for youtube under "preferences". As for
> other sites, it does not always work. There is some discussion here:
> http://trisquel.info/es/forum/gnash-seems-work-youtube-if-you-disable-cookies

I use Ad Block Plus [1] and never had a problem on YouTube.com

[1] http://trisquel.info/es/browser/addons/adblock-plus
Luis A. Guzmán García

se unió: 04/08/2010

Thank you both, I was also interessed on knowing about greasemonkey and the small addon for it, that allows to view youtube videos bypassing their flash player through the video player plugin in Firefox, I wonder if it is working only with youtube or similar platforms or it is suitable for every flash video on a webpage...


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

No, unfortunately it does not work on every page containing flash though in theory it could do. In fact you can easily add new sites to the script in order to bypass the flash player, but it has only worked in youtube for me.

se unió: 03/12/2010

I hope i'm not creating too much off-topic but I and others have been working on a (yet another) program to download videos from youtube-like sites.You can download the source here: http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/WatchVideo?content=128368

It still has some bugs, but it's working.I hope you like it. ;)


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

Thanks for the work, it sounds good. Will there be a .deb package at some point? I have dowloaded the source for testing but I do not know what to do exactly with it. In any case, If installing from source is not a very complex process I would gladly test it.

se unió: 03/12/2010

 Thanks for giving it a try.
There is no installation at the moment, i hope i can make a deb asap, but you can easily run the program by executing the "watchvideo" file . You just need to open a terminal in the folder you just extracted the sources to, and do:
  python watchvideo

Everything is explained on the README file, but if you have any problem or advice just let me know. ;)


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

Thanks a lot for the explanation. I have been testing it although I have only been able to make it work using the GUI with videos from youtube. Should it work with other sites as well? I have also tried the command "watchvideo URL" and "watchvideo [-d] URL" (I am probably doing something wrong) but it does not work (neither on youtube, I think). I have been reading the changelog and found references (dating to 2009) to several sites. I have tested vimeo, metacafe and blip. but none of them seems to work. I use blip.tv ocasionally, do you think is there any chance to make it work with that site, at least to dowload videos?
Again, thanks for the work.

se unió: 03/12/2010

How did you launch the GUI?
In theory it should support many websites, but most probably are outdated, unfortunately. I haven't had the time to update them, since i'm practically the only one still working on the app and lately i've been improving the app itself not the plugins.I see i have to update the plugins asap, since those you mentioned aren't working.


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

I launched it as you explained, moving to the directory in the terminal and then ./watchvideo. The GUI starts fine, the only thing is that when you try to load videos from sites which do not work you have to close and relaunch it, since it seems to freeze and does not allow the imput of new URLs (in some cases it shows a "red cross" next to the URL but on other ocassions it just goes on checking the URL indefinitely). Besides, the dialog box displaying a warning is empty -no message-.

se unió: 03/12/2010

For the CLI you just need to do the same thing, except you send the url as an argument like:
./watchvideo http://website/video
to download a video do:
./watchvideo -d http://website/video
Thanks for reporting the bugs.


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

Thanks for reporting the bugsYou are welcome. Perhaps this is a good place to inform about further progress on WatchVideo, so we can keep testing it. I Think updating the scripts would be important even if only -as a first step- to download videos. A good deal of videos is on youtube, where Gnash or greasemonkey (+ other scripts) work, so perhaps the most important task is to have access in one or other way to those other sites for which the only option right now seems to be proprietary software. In any case, thanks for your efforts and please, keep reporting progress on this program.

se unió: 03/12/2010

I released a new version.
You can look at the changelog in WatchVideo's page at Qt-Apps.We're now updating all plugins and Bliptv is already working. Thanks for being libre.


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

That is VERY good news. I will be testing as soon as possible. Thanks a lot for the work.


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

I have left a short notice of your software on a related topic in the Spanish forum, just in case someone else might be insterested in testing ;) .

se unió: 03/12/2010

I've released a new version. ;)


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

Hi again, freemind: honestly, this new realease has meant a GREAT improvement. First of all, it does not freeze when the program does not accept the URL, and it has also worked for me on most of the sites referred to under "1.9.4 16-08-2010" changelog...this program is very useful indeed! I have encountered problems however on Dailymotion, Break and Current (it shows a red cross whe you check URLs from those sites). On just a single instance the program has closed unexpectedly but it is clearly much more stable now. Again, thanks a lot for the work, it is going to save me from rebooting into a partition with adobe plugin installed for thoses annoying sites where Gnash does not work...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! By the way, if you need help translating into Spanish, just drop a line (don't know if you speak/write Spanish). And please, keep reporting progress (I will keep an eye anyway to WatchVideo site).


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009
se unió: 03/12/2010

Thanks for your support, flop.
I tested the plugins you said it didn't work, but the only that failed one time was Dailymotion. It's probably some particular issue with that video, if you could send me those links that didn't work, so i can check them, it would be great.
If you find something which could be improved, in translations or anywhere else, let me know.
Do you have a XMPP (Jabber) account?


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

Thanks for your support, flop. You are welcome. if you could send me those links that didn't work, so i can check them, it would be great. I tested random items (from start page and so on). I enclose a couple from dailymotion which I have tried right now and do not work (I have tested through the GUI and also at the term "./watchvideo URL" wich returned this: "No valid links found."): http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xefqam_jimi-hendrix-little-wing-intro_music http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4mufz_ph4n7om-r-a-s_music Do you have a XMPP (Jabber) account?No, I have had to google to know what jabber was...XD. In any case, I will let you now any problems I might find through this thread or if you prefer perhaps in the home page of the project (I guess I will have to register or something to post there). Feel free to use his thread to let me know about translation issues -only thing I may probably help, I am afraid-. PS.- Sorry about not using paragraphs but they get lost when I publish,...don't know why.

se unió: 03/12/2010

Yes the paragraphs don't work, i have to manually edit the Source and add <br /> tag to get paragraphs.
Those links you mentioned are now working with the latest version (1.9.6). ;)


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

Hi again, freemind, I have downloaded the latest beta but dailymotion seems to keep failing for me on the few videos I have tested. I would enclose links but the forum editor does not allow me today to paste anything (anything pasted gets lost). Same problems on GUI and term. Thanks again.


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009
se unió: 03/12/2010

From those links, only the middle one didn't work.It didn't work because it is embedded in a playlist and managing playlists isn't supported yet.You can get around this problem easily in dailymotion by clicking in More info on this video ».
What kind of error does it give you for the other two?

Do you have the right libraries installed?
You need the python-html5lib package too.


I am a translator!

se unió: 02/16/2009

Hi again, freemind, and sorry for the delay, I have been a bit buzy lately. I have checked libraries listed on readme, only python-html5lib was missing, which I have installed, but with same results. It does not give any error, it just goes on checking the link forever, only on dailymotion as I said. I am using Trisquel 3.5.

se unió: 03/12/2010

I made an update to version 1.9.7,  the links should work now.  However  remember about the playlists issue i said in my previous post, which means that the middle link won't work for now, but the other two should. Thanks.

se unió: 11/24/2009

The new Gnash is out - has anyone tried it with iplayer?

se unió: 03/12/2010


se unió: 11/24/2009

Sorry, BBC iPlayer (only available to UK users I think)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayerDespite being publicly funded they still insist on using adobe.  Gahh!

se unió: 03/12/2010

Since i'm not from the UK i can't tell.

se unió: 11/04/2009

Hi try to install foxyproxy or some like, and then you should find on
internet for a free proxy server in UK. and you would watch BBC from

2010/8/29 <name at domain>

> iplayer?

se unió: 03/12/2010

Is foxyproxy free software?I can't seem to find information about the license.

se unió: 11/04/2009

The firefox plugin it's GPL

The free proxy is working as well with foxyproxy but not gnash with iplayer,
At less not with me.

2010/9/1 <name at domain>

> Is foxyproxy free software?I can't seem to find information about the
> license.