What is the best free BitTorrent client in terms of stability, advanced features, privacy and security?

4 respuestas [Último envío]
se unió: 07/15/2013

I want to use a free (as in freedom) BitTorrent client that has a lot of advanced features, is stable (does not crash too often), and protects the user against privacy and security risks.

Any recommendations are welcome.

se unió: 04/19/2012

On 04/08/13 09:29, croutrea wrote:
> I want to use a free (as in freedom) BitTorrent client that has a lot
> of advanced features, is stable (does not crash too often), and
> protects the user against privacy and security risks.
> Any recommendations are welcome.

Transmission is good. It supports UDP trackers, PEX, DHT, and other
modern BitTorrent features. But unlike qBittorrent it doesn't support
SOCKS for BitTorrent connections or tracker connections.



I am a member!

se unió: 12/27/2011

I personally use rTorrent. It is a CLI program with a very small footprint. It is highly customizable through a simple to understand configuration file.

se unió: 06/08/2013

As far as privacy goes, http://www.oneswarm.org/ is a good choice. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be updated anymore.

se unió: 07/10/2013

If privacy is your first priority (prior to speed, usability, etc...) and if you're really willing to go all the way down the rabbit hole, check out I2P. [1]

[1]: http://www.i2p2.de/