Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?
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I find out that there available different UPDATES and flavors of Ubuntu OS FOR EXAMPLE: Lubuntu, kubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Xubuntu, ubuntu budgie and Ubuntu Studio.
Yet, no trisquel 8, what? Do we we need to wait 2 or 3 years more?
Well my last trisquel 7 PC is waiting for the new 8 release, otherwise, it will be formatted into something else.
If we really can't go more than 14 hours without doing this, can we at least keep it in one thread? You have to have seen it; it's been on the front page for a week.
Trisquel is the most accessible libre option for the vast majority of users who require little more than a word processor, internet browser, media player, and to avoid having to use a terminal. These users can't tell the difference between three-year-old and one-year-old software. If you require newer software (as I do), Parabola, gNewSense, Debian (w/o contrib and nonfree), Hyperbola, Fedora (w/ deblobbed kernel), and others are all libre options with newer software. Supporting them would be very helpful and productive. Attempting to damage morale in the Trisquel community because you find it fun is unproductive, and also irresponsible considering how important Trisquel is in helping beginners migrate to libre software.
EDIT: It was unfair to assume that you are trolling. Many posts like this have been insincere, but if you actually are just asking about the status of Trisquel 8 you can download the alpha iso here. Helping to test it will be a productive contribution resulting in a a sooner release.

Thank You for your reply. It is serious matter to me. I'm willing to install the alpha ISO and start testing it, and contribute and releasing the results to the community of trisquel.
Thank You
Great! Thanks for helping out.
gNewSense has no activity this year which dnt expect new free software in gNewSense, Debian (w/o nonfree and contrib) you would like to try the testing channel to probe the latest stable packages.
At all times Parabola is best for latest free software which it is rolling, in its LTS fork, Hyperbola you also never expect latest free software, LTS for long term support, targetting to stability, whose software can be as aging as gNewSense.
Parabola is best for latest free software which it is rolling, in its LTS fork, Hyperbola (...)
Hyperbola is not a Parabola fork, and it never was. Its based on Arch snapshots and at the beginning the devs took Parabola's [libre] and [nonprism] packages but they don't sync with Parabola's repositories.
well i invest about 14 hours overall on this distro so far.
I am using Trisquel 8 since one month. No problems :)
heh, I just remembered a year ago or more in a thread I gave a fake release date for T8 and I don't remember exactly the precise date but I'm quite sure we are now past it. Funny thing in that thread giving such distant (back then) date I was being sarcastic. It's funny and sad at the same time, meh.. or maybe it was in the #trisquel channel on IRC, double meh.. x_X
Flidas (T8) is now in the nightly alpha stage and you would like to try first below,
And thanks coming back to Trisquel. :)
It's a shame that so much work power is distributed over many similar projects with slightly different goals.
What I mean is:
Imagine the creators of trisquel, parabola, gnewsense and uruk would join forces and produce one well maintained OS instead of many more or less outdated ones.
Debian as a base OS would make the process of eliminating the non-free pitfalls way easier, and it would provide the option of having stable and reliable software for the normal user as well as enabling the rolling-release feature of debian testing for the more advanced users (the target audience of parabola).
Outdated software is unattractive.
Users who care about software freedom most likely also care about security and reliability. Why not join forces, everybody?
The result could be a powerful, fully free operating system for everyone.
>Imagine the creators of trisquel, parabola, gnewsense and uruk would join forces and produce one well maintained OS instead of many more or less outdated ones.
Oh, that would be jolly mighty swell :)
>Debian as a base OS would make the process of eliminating the non-free pitfalls way easier, and it would provide the option of having stable and reliable software for the normal user as well as enabling the rolling-release feature of debian testing for the more advanced users (the target audience of parabola).
I like the way you think :)
Developers of the world, unite! \o/
> Imagine the creators of trisquel, parabola, gnewsense and uruk would join forces and produce one well maintained OS instead of many more or less outdated ones.
I agree with your overall point, but Parabola isn't outdated. The only problem I see with Parabola is that it is unsuitable for beginners, which why for them I recommend Trisquel. What I would love to see is a Parabola derivative/parallel that
- has a visual installer
- has a default DE that is fully usable without a terminal
- stays a month behind Parabola so that any bugs caused by updates can be fixed before adopting the update
Some, like pizzaiolo, have moved away from Parabola because a few Parabola devs left Parabola to start Hyperbola. Yet more fragmentation and resource-straining!
It doesn't appear to have had too bad of an impact. There are still numerous updates daily (it helps that the libre packages in Arch don't require any work beyond what Arch does) and they recently released an experimental OpenRC ISO, which might attract some anti-systemd folks to the project, maybe even from Arch.
IMO that would centralize the alternatives and, in some way, destroy the freedom to choose. Parabola is a simple and up-to-date distro, Dragora is simple too but a bit more user-friendly and completely free of Systemd, Trisquel is focused on offering a ready-to-use OS, EterTICS is made for local radios, LibreCMC is made specially for routers, Hyperbola is centered on security, stability and init freedom, and so on.
Do you get my point? There has to exist diversity. We can join efforts when we need it, yea, but that's kinda unusual.
init freedom? systemd is and has always been free software.
SuperTramp83 said:
Developers of the world, unite! \o/
Well, that sounds real good in written words but it will never happen.
I did downloaded the ISO FOR trisquel 8 , I will be installing into a new desktop, in the next 2 days . I will keep you informed of my results.
>Imagine the creators of trisquel, parabola, gnewsense and uruk would join forces and produce one well maintained OS instead of many more or less outdated ones.
Oh, that would be jolly mighty swell :)"
That would called "TRIBOLASENSUK" a new version of these 4 distributions. Or "Gnewbolatriruk".... well.. you can play with these 4 names to create one... at least we can have some fun creating names.
You're referring to TRIBOLASENSUK/Gnewbolatriruk, or as I've taken to calling it lately, TRIBOLASENSUK+Gnewbolatriruk.
"TRIBOLASENSUK" sounds like several curse words.
I'd like to interject for a moment.. What you refer to as Gnewbolatriruk is actually GNU/Gnewbolatriruk or as I've recently taken to calling it GNU plus Gnewbolatriruk :P
Update on my installation of Trisquel 8
Type of PC. desktop
type OF processor
i-5- 3570 -4 GEN PROCESSOR 3.40hz IS A 1550 MOTHER BOARD MADE BY Asus Taiwan
16 Gb RAM total 4 chips DDR-4
Video card
Nvidea Geforce GT 630
well. the installation I did it by burning THE ISO directly into a DVD burner The installation went through fine. The OS FOR TRISQUEL WAS SLOW because I did a whole installation. It is working ok for know. I will be doing further testing later on the next 2 weeks.
The video card is working fine.
networking is working fine is able to browse.
Any further questions feel free to ask.
I forgot to tell everyone that my new trisquel 8 install was a 32 bit image. I did switch my default to Spain too. US mirrors are a drag from my end.
The Graphics card it just doing fine except The 3d drivers are not working, but I think I could tweak it.
As networking, is doing excellent.
I did install G-compris for my daughter, Audacity, blender, inchscape, videolan, for know Libre office, libre cad and sea monkey.
Ill keep you updated. any comments?
Which card do you have?
If a nvidia I think that after some version nouveau need a non free firmware to work.
I have a recent 860 and it is not supported.
Nvidea Geforce GT 630
the 3d drivers do not work. Everything else does work.
even do the 3d are gpl license, but for some reason they dont.
the ONLY 2 WIFI adapter that I use only and it is working fine is the Penguin Wireless N Dual-Band PCIe Card for GNU / Linux (TPE-N300PCIED2 and the Penguin Wireless G USB Adapter for GNU / Linux FOR MY LAPTOP.
but I got other KIND FOR my desktop PC AND iM USING THE ac band that are not part of the libre concept. THE AC1300 Wireless Dual Band PCI Express Adapter MADE BY TP-LINK. the DRIVERS ARE GPL COMPLIANCE.
Issues with Trisquel 8 after 16 days of usAGE.
After using Trisquel 8 for 16 days, it did crash out. Trisquel 7 never did that problem.
1. I try to use the same copy that I download and did copy before. It did not work at all. Why? I don't know clearly the reason for it.
2. I thought the hard drive sectors when bad, but that was not the case. I did verified all the sectors of the drive and did check out Normal.
3- The CD ROM was running fine. The whole PC FROM THE RAM TO Nick CARD WAS RUNNING OK.
4- i DID FORMATTED the HARDRIVE drive again , and did reinstall Trisquel 7 again and NOT TRISQUEL 8. All without issues again.
5- My doubts and question on the fail trisquel 8 lingers.
respectfully TO ALL TRISQUEL 7 USERS.
Could it be something with the operation of trisquel 8 itself?
or a bug himself not seen before. There is no way I could detect the error and able to reported , I had no choice but to format the drive again.
Ill wait until they release the official trisquel 8 version. Trisquel 7 is a solid ISO, BUT THE TESTING OF TRISQUEL 8 IS NOT TO MY EXPERIENCE.
I used the version of ISO FROM THE WEB LINK https://trisquel.info/en/forum/new-trisquel-8-alpha-images
How did you burn the ISO? I had the same issue (Uruk 2.0 Beta worked on my Thinkpad x60 but Flidas wouldn't) when I used Startup Disc Creator, but it worked after using $ sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M;sync
where sdX is the USB drive.
i STAND BY YOUR EXPERIENCE. it is a disappointment I was not able to give the community completely a final positive report. Ill wait for the final Trisquel 8.
mason ask?
How did you burn the ISO? I had the same issue (Uruk 2.0 Beta worked on my Thinkpad x60 but Flidas wouldn't) when I used Startup Disc Creator, but it worked after using
Mason I use an old windows program called burncdcc
mason ask?
How did you burn the ISO? I had the same issue (Uruk 2.0 Beta worked on my Thinkpad x60 but Flidas wouldn't) when I used Startup Disc Creator, but it worked after using
Mason I use an old windows program that I own the license called burncdcc. but in reality is not a windows program but an old dos 6 program.
quidam, CalmStorm, Magic Banana, onpon4, jxself, SuperTramp83
what will be your recommendation. I'm open for any advise.
You might want to start a new thread about the specific issue you ran into. The people who will give you technical advice are more likely to click on a thread asking for such advice than a 3-week old thread with an unrelated subject line.
mason and heather
Ill be opening a new thread, thank you for the suggestion
Trisquel 8 is going to be released - probably at 2020 year if not later. Keep waiting bros! ;)
Clearly trisquel 8 is bit behind, but never loose your faith on them. Even do my new trial trisquel 8, was not completely successful and it did crash my hard drive after few days of usage it does not change my perspective over all at trisquel, it is a solid distribution. If you are willing to wait you could always use other distributions,example of it is Debian. but I will not discredit Trisquel developers because of there slowness. And for me to download the new Trisquel 8 and sew it in person, it was real nice, unfortunately i was not bale to catch the disparity, I don't lose my faith on the trisquel 8 project. Basically that was the closes I could get to help them. I hope you understand me.
Thank You for the compliments. Is funny that I feel kind of obligated morally and ethical to trisquel, keep using it because it is my daughters computer, since it was my way to said: I will help the cause, they did it for me ay one time, when I started with trisquel 5 ,IS MY WAY TO help them out not financially, just volunteer of my free will. sadly it crash after a couple of days of usage. Yet, I will help them in my best of my abilities.
I know they have elite teams to help them out more savvy but at least I help them. I am neutral with the sarcasm and pessimism of others comments about trisquel. But ill draw the line for know.
Sra Heather
I understand very clearly, what is to live and keep living withing the budget, I'm currently the same way, just pace your self and be the beacon of your own family and smile you will feel better, Take care Sra.
Sra Heather
Is all cool from my end.
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