Wobbly Windows

6 respuestas [Último envío]

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se unió: 06/19/2015

I'm trying to get wobbly windows on Trisquel.  I've installed compiz
and compizconfig settings manager.

But, when I go to MATE Tweak and switch the WM to Compiz, it takes away
all my window borders and I can't do anything to my windows.  I can't
move them, etc.

se unió: 01/12/2017

That sounds familiar, I think there is an option you have to activate in the compiz settings manager in order to have window borders.


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se unió: 06/19/2015

I opened Compiz Config Settings Manager.  What happened to all the cool
effects I saw when I used it years ago?

It has nothing that made it special: the cube, the wobbly windows, the
raindrops, the flaming cursors.

It's like Compiz is trying to be all "professional" now.  But, that's
not what Compiz is.  Compiz is the one program that had so many effects
that it was gross.  That's what made it special.


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se unió: 07/07/2017

Do you have compiz-plugins installed?


I am a member!

se unió: 06/19/2015

On Mon, 2018-07-30 at 12:00 -0700, Mason Hock wrote:
> Do you have compiz-plugins installed?

No, but a search for compiz-plugins reveals compiz-plugins-extra.  I
can now check the options for "Desktop Cube" and "Wobbly Windows".

Now, the only remaining problem is that Compiz removes all window
shadows, window borders/decorations/title bars, virtual desktops, and I
can't move windows even when I Alt click on a window's body.


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se unió: 07/07/2017

If you're still trying to get Compiz to work, I've started looking into it for a friend who wants wobbly windows.

> Now, the only remaining problem is that Compiz removes all window
> shadows, window borders/decorations/title bars

In compizconfig-settings-manager, under Window Decoration, the default command is /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator. This command crashes for the default Trisquel theme. I haven't been able to figure out what program was handling window decorations with Metacity, but a workaround is to use a different theme.

> virtual desktops

The MATE Workspace Switcher doesn't work with Compiz. To increase the number of workspaces from one, in CCSM go to General Options -> Desktop Size, and increase Horizontal Virtual Size.

> can't move windows even when I Alt click on a window's body.

I had this problem during the session in which I switched from Metacity to Compiz, but Alt worked next session.


I am a member!

se unió: 06/19/2015

Hm, that's good to know, but no Trisquel theme is a no-go for me.  The
Trisquel theme has a nostalgic quality to it, just as Wobbly Windows
do, and I haven't figured out how to theme Trisquel to be like Ubuntu
7.04 Gutsy Gibbon.