Xfce4 background and lightdm.

13 respuestas [Último envío]

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se unió: 08/29/2009

I wonder if somebody in-the-know could help me understand this. I have xfce and pekwm installed on my Trisquel 7 machine. I originally installed the mini version of Trisquel which comes with lightdm. When I change the desktop in xfce, and log out to lightdm, the background for lightdm is the same desktop with the Trisquel logo in the lower left hand corner. If I then run pekwm—without feh running, which I use to set the background for pekwm—it retains the background from lightdm, logo and all. I'm wondering where lightdm grabs the wallpaper from and where does it store it so that the default background for pekwm ends up the same.

I'm having no problem with wallpapers, but understanding how this works would help me. Thanks in advance in-the-know person.


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

> I'm wondering where lightdm grabs the wallpaper from and where does it store it


login-background.svg is the file used as background in lightdm

Magic Banana

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se unió: 07/24/2010

I investigated a little. /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.unity-greeter.gschema.xml seems to define LightDM's background. Instead of editing by hand that file, one can use the "dconf editor" or the 'gsettings' command. As indicated by the file name, the schema is com.canonical.unity-greeter. The key is "background". Its default value is '/usr/share/backgrounds/belenos.png'.

@SuperTramp83: no /usr/share/images folder on my system and 'find /usr/share -name login-background.svg' returns nothing.


I am a translator!

se unió: 10/31/2014

Hmm, my bad Magique, I'm on Debian and lightdm stores its background there.


I am a member!

se unió: 08/29/2009

Let me explain this more graphically. I took these pics of my screen with my cellphone rather than using a screenshot because I don't know how to do screenshots of lightdm. This is a pic of my desktop on xfce.


I am a member!

se unió: 08/29/2009

This is a pic when I log out to lightdm.


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se unió: 08/29/2009

I log back in and change background.


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se unió: 08/29/2009

And when I log out to lightdm again.


I am a member!

se unió: 08/29/2009

I think I got a partial answer here: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/lightdm-unity-greeter-update-brings.html
My question is where it stores the info for what to grab, if that makes any sense.


I am a member!

se unió: 08/29/2009

The dynamic unity greeter grabs the background off of xfce, but not from lxde. When I change the background in lxde and log out to lightdm, the background of lightdm is whatever the background was in my last xfce session. I googled this and at one time the info was held in a unity greeter conf file, but I can't locate any file that contains it now.

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

I am a member!

se unió: 08/29/2009

I did read that, but other than a reference to "draw-user-backgrounds" there's no reference to where it would find the background. Why would it find the xfce background but not the lxde background. Unless the instructions are hidden somewhere in a binary file. I'm not looking how to control it, I'm wondering why, when I run pekwm—by default, if I don't run a background app like feh—does it use the same background as lightdm? Where does it grab it from?

Magic Banana

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I am a translator!

se unió: 07/24/2010

/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.unity-greeter.gschema.xml does contain the "reference to where it would find the background". /usr/share/backgrounds/belenos.png by default. And you do not need to read the XML: 'gsettings' provides a commad-line interface to everything in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas; "dconf editor" a graphical one.

I imagine Xfce modifies that file when the desktop background is altered, whereas other desktop environment do not.


I am a member!

se unió: 08/29/2009

I tried to upload the xml file to show that there is no reference to the picture that is currently being used as the lightdm background, but it wouldn't display the whole file. I assume there's some limit to the size of txt files. I then tried to attach the xml file but it will only allow attachments with certain extensions. So here's a screenshot of the dconf-editor page on the unity greeter.The name of the pic that's currently being displayed in lightdm is called cityscape-1.jpg. It's not referenced here nor is it in the xml file.

Screenshot - 06262016 - 08:33:55 PM.png