Youtube-dl gui? And Gzdoom question
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Is there a gui tool for Youtube-dl available for Trisquel 9.01 Mini? Also I recently installed the latest version of GZDoom and tried to run FreeDoom, but it crashed with a message saying "Fatal Error Could not create OpenGL window: Could not create GL context: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)" I'm using a radeon R7 240 card, which has worked wonderfully with the os so far, could that be the problem?
Have you tried using youtube-dl through CLI before? I don't really see much point on using a GUI wrapper with that util since the arguments and syntax are already really simple and easy to remember, CLI also allows to create scripts or downloading playlists sequentially on the background and even automatically reencode downloaded media if you have ffmpeg installed, i always reencode music to vorbis this way.
Anyhow if for some reason you really can't use that program without cheap GUI wrappers, i remember seeing plenty of them on Github, here's an example:
Today, we already have AllTube the web-based youtube-dl accessible from web browser. If I want to watch or download YouTube from an installed program on my Trisquel computer, I use FreeTube (appimage available) instead.
lzdoom is the better way to run doom mods, etc... trust me on this. :) Unless, you have a laptop or desktop with opengl 3.4 or higher which would require a disabled intel me using coreboot as the freest option possible, or using a talos 2 desktop machine. I am not sure if any libreboot desktops can support it, but I know for a damn fact that libreboot laptops are not up to this yet! We can hope that will change, but who knows. There is a reason citra doesn't work on libreboot that well... trust me I have tried. ;)
Not even 2018 version in github will work on older hardware.
but yeah, lzdoom works even on Hyperbola 0.3 last I checked, so you should be able to get it running on anything. :)
As long as you know what you are doing. :)
Just going to edit to say, within reason... because if you use anything too old, its obvious it won't work. xD!
If a flatpack could be of use for your YT-dl needs, I've been using Videomass, works well, but is huge (~170 megs) and slow to load (3-5 seconds) on my i7 desktop, 16 Gb RAM.
There is a PPA too:
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