No text-mode installation on newest Trisquel Live CDs (at least on x86_64)

Componente:Live System
Categoría:petición de característica
Asignado:No asignado

The 5.0 version had the option to do a net install (encrypted root) at the graphical boot menu's (at least for the i18n); now, in the 5.5 RC it's gone.

Hope will get into the final release because it is a good feature.

Mar, 05/01/2012 - 21:19
Título:No netinstall option on RC live cd's» No text-mode installation on newest Trisquel Live CDs (at least on x86_64)
Categoría:informe de fallo» petición de característica
Prioridad:normal» critical

Hope will get into the final release because it is a good feature.
Didn't get.

I think it's a critical feature, allowing users to customize the installation far beyond the level permitted by Ubiquity, including some critical security features (LUKS encryption). I miss it too.

I didn't try a i686 .iso, nor do I know any boot parameter which should do that option's job.

Vie, 05/04/2012 - 01:40
Prioridad:critical» normal

You can not really have a "critical" feature request like this. You can still do the text installation you just need to use the NetInstall and you can do all the customization you like. While I do too miss the text install being on the main CD critical is used for "show-stoppers" (i.e. causes trisquel not to work properly) or "freedom issues" or "security flaws".

I agree I would like this feature but it isn't critical because you can use the NetInstall version to achieve whwat you want.

Dom, 05/06/2012 - 08:27

Indeed, sorry about that.

Dom, 05/05/2013 - 02:16
Versión:» 6.0
Estado:active» fixed

Included on 6.0 amd64.

Dom, 05/19/2013 - 02:20
Estado:fixed» closed

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.