Update to Kernel 3.3

Asignado:No asignado
Estado:won't fix

Politely request the kernel be updated to 3.3 to support required hardware. Or an expected release date for that kernel version.

Please view https://trisquel.info/en/forum/which-version-ubuntu-trisquel-based#comment-22977 for more info.

Sáb, 07/28/2012 - 11:43

Unless we change the policy of using the same kernel release as Ubuntu it will wait for about Trisquel 6.5 (next Ubuntu release has 3.2, then 3.5). Backporting the wacom driver might be easier. There are non-official libre kernels solving this problem, one is mentioned in the thread.

Sáb, 07/28/2012 - 16:43
Estado:active» won't fix

Yes, I'm sorry I have to mark this as "won't fix". We get our packages from upstream. Getting out of their release cycle would mean a lot of work from developer hours we don't have.

If you need a newer version of linux-libre I advise you to check out jxself's repository: http://jxself.org/linux-libre/

Otherwise, sorry you will have to wait until it becomes part of the distro from upstream as part of the normal process.