Revisión de Known Translation Issues de Sáb, 04/21/2012 - 10:53

La revisión le permite rastrear las diferencias que hay entre distintas versiones de una entrada.

If you come across content that cannot be translated, then you have probably come across content that can only be translated by a site administrator or cannot be translated at all.

A list of such user untranslatable pages exists here:

These pages/text include:

  • Heading and text in the big, blue block on the home page
  • The part of text following "Trisquel GNU/Linux" in the browser title bar
  • F.A.Q. page
  • Donate page
  • Issue tracker statuses
  • Some administrative pages
  • Contact form text
  • abrowser addon list page

Another issue is that the Tasks are unorderable after the translation (


04/21/2012 - 10:53