Revisión de Website Translations de Lun, 12/30/2013 - 03:37

La revisión le permite rastrear las diferencias que hay entre distintas versiones de una entrada.

Cómo empezar

1. Chequea si eres Traductor

Sólo a los usuarios de éste sitio que sean parte del grupo de Traductores se les permite traducir contenido. Para determinar si eres parte del grupo mira alguno de tus posteos en el foro. Si hay una etiqueta "I am a translator!" debajo de tu imagen, entonces fuiste agregado como Traductor. De otra manera, sigue las instrucciones presentadas en 2.

2. Determine if your language is enabled

Look at the bottom of this page to a see a list of all the currently enabled languages. If your language is not shown below, please contact translations at trisquel dot info (@TODO email address does not exist) and request that your language be added.

When requesting a new language you are advised to get more users to assist with your language translations. There might be a lot of content that need to be translated and your language will only be publicly accessible when you reach a certain threshold of completion. You can read more about that threshold at the Language Translation Status page.

If you join an existing language's team, you should contact the other members and introduce yourself so that you may be integrated into their workflow. There is a list of these teams on the Translation Teams page.

3. Start translating

Now that you are ready to start translating, consult with your language team about where you can start. There are two types of text that can be translated: content and non-content. The main text on a page is considered content and any other text, like menus and labels, are non-content. We use different methods to translate each of these. You can read more about the exact process for each at the How to translate this website page.

Please note that content pages may contain HTML markup. These are tags represented by text starting with the "<" symbol and ending with ">". If you are unfamiliar with HTML markup, you can read about it here: (@TODO some introductory sources about HTML).

You can view a list of content that require translations at this page: (@TODO we really need such a page).

4. Future work

You should always try to keep your language up to date. This is especially important with the front page announcements. If at any point you can no longer continue translating, please inform your team or translations at trisquel dot info (@TODO email address does not exist).

Any co-ordination within a language is the responsibility of that language's team. You may communicate in any way you want. We provide a general Translations mailing list ( and each team may add Wiki pages for their own purposes. You are free to use any other method like private email or IRC. However, each team will have a "Translation team: Language" page and you must ensure that any important information or co-ordination for your language remains up to date there. This allows new users to get a quick overview of what is happening within your language.

Enabled languages

  • Spanish (Active)
  • Italian (Active)
  • Galician (Active)
  • French (Inactive?)
  • German (Active?)


10/23/2012 - 06:07
01/02/2014 - 21:09
08/21/2014 - 07:00