
TipoEnvíoAutorRespuestasÚltima actualización
Forum TopicWa can change, but not in one day rafoufoun102Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum Topicgoogle analytics everywhere a_slacker_here13Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicThe Need for Free and Open HardDrive firmware G4JC9Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicAn annoying thing that happens when upvoting a post here in the forums. pogiako1234518Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicPurism computer (possibly as free as FSF encourage) shokin17Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum Topicoccupygpl.org wants to make copyleft licenses go away t3g37Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum Topic Youtube Ditches Flash, and it Hardly Matters: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss SuperTramp8320Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicEric S. Raymond Calls LLVM The "Superior Compiler" To GCC and defending GCC is futile t3g16Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicTweaks to optimize user friendliness buildcomplete45Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicRMS:There's "A Systematic Effort To Attack GNU Packages": t3g13Hace 10 años 3 semanas
Forum TopicMy family has smart TVs and I am scared. YoHooComics48Hace 10 años 4 semanas
Forum Topicadvice moving to free software katiebaileypoms26Hace 10 años 4 semanas
Forum TopicUsing proprietary softwares through wine QuestionsQuesti...21Hace 10 años 4 semanas
Forum TopicFreedoom is awesome a_slacker_here13Hace 10 años 4 semanas
Forum TopicMicrosoft invests in Cyanogen to "take Android away from Google" t3g16Hace 10 años 5 semanas
Forum TopicFree games with copyrighted characters Jeremiah Asbury18Hace 10 años 5 semanas
Forum TopicOn hiding the down-voted posts... and everything below Magic Banana28Hace 10 años 6 semanas
Forum Topicall-in-one computer options cmhobbs12Hace 10 años 6 semanas
Forum TopicCanonical? YoHooComics51Hace 10 años 6 semanas
Forum TopicgNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable! anonymous26Hace 10 años 8 semanas
Forum Topicis the openmoko freerunner phone libre??? tomlukeywood17Hace 10 años 8 semanas
Forum TopicStallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation. lap4fsf31Hace 10 años 9 semanas
Forum TopicTesting web pages in different browsers lydell9Hace 10 años 9 semanas
Forum TopicHappy fucking new year!!!!!! pogiako123456Hace 10 años 10 semanas
Forum TopicWireless N USB Adapter (TPE-N150USB) Theseus10Hace 10 años 10 semanas