Fixed my Terminal

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A rejoint: 05/01/2018

Once I tried to convert a handful of audio/video files from Terminal. And for convenience's sake (in order to make the command line as short as possible), I set my home directory (~) as the temp directory. As a result, my entire home directory and any portable storage device mounted under somewhere in my home directory were instantly wiped out when the converter program removed any temp file used.

After knowing what I had done, I recovered most of my files including configuration files from offline backups, and had most software packages back online, except one, the Terminal. Features such as auto completion and directory colors were still missing.

Until recently, I read some documentation about bash configuration in Linux from Scratch. I learned that certain configuration files including /etc/profile and /etc/profile.d/* may be relevant. I diff'ed said configuration files and found nothing wrong. Then I checked the hidden files in my home directory and found that most of them were not automatically regenerated. So I copied the .bashrc file from elsewhere to my home directory and source'd it.

Note: Another option for convenience's sake is to use the current directory (.) as the temp directory, and the command line should be as short as when "~" is used, but the results can be far less disastrous.