WebTorrent support in Trisquel 8
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I may be a bit behind the curve here, but I've just discovered the WebTorrent project and I'm as excited as a kid in a candy store. This is a kind of technology we dreamed of having access to in the days when Indymedia users started drifting off to YouTube because our Indymedia sites couldn't cope anywhere near as well with uploads and streaming of web video:
When I first stumbled upon this, I happened to be using Mint, and I was able to grab a magnet link off TPB and start watching the Matrix (the 1999 original) using the Instant.io implementation. So far I haven't been able to do the same thing using the latest ABrowser on Trisquel. I am able to watch WebTorrent videos on BitChute (maybe because they are webseeding the WebTorrents themselves?) but most of the content there so far is not that useful. Here's a HowTo video on using GNU/Linux for green screen work:
From what I've read, the hope is that all BitTorrent clients will eventually add support for WebTorrent swarms, so hopefully the Transmission devs do this sooner rather than later (I presume Transmission is still going to be the default BT client in Trisquel 8?). But is there anything Trisquel users can do to improve WebTorrent support on Trisquel, and other 100% libre GNU/Linux distros?