
TypePostAuteursRéponsesDernière mise à jour
Ticketno default user icons available sudoman0Il y a 12 années 5 heures
Forum TopicTrisquel and Ubuntu releases freemind27Il y a 12 années 6 semaines
Ticketblender fails to encode audio in ogg theora sudoman4Il y a 12 années 22 semaines
Ticketorca hangs gnome-shell when told to quit sudoman1Il y a 12 années 23 semaines
TicketUsers do not have permissions to mark issues as "fixed" even if they reported the issue. sudoman3Il y a 12 années 24 semaines
TicketNo obvious "membership" link on main page sudoman5Il y a 12 années 24 semaines
Ticketnot possible to install kde-full due to missing package sudoman0Il y a 12 années 30 semaines
Forum TopicShow grub menu at startup sudoman9Il y a 12 années 32 semaines
TicketUbuntu logo appears in main menu of Add/Remove applications marillion5Il y a 12 années 37 semaines
Forum TopicAre there any alpha or beta images of 5.5 to test? t3g23Il y a 12 années 41 semaines
Ticketsome upgraded packages in dagda-updates are not on the fsf mirror. sudoman5Il y a 12 années 43 semaines
Forum TopicBlocking Facebook buttons and content aelorza18Il y a 12 années 45 semaines
TicketHow about some stickers? sudoman1Il y a 12 années 45 semaines
TicketWake from suspend takes a minute sudoman6Il y a 12 années 51 semaines
TicketThere is no "other" option for bug reports sudoman0Il y a 13 années 6 semaines
Forum TopicScreen black coming out of suspend lansburyslido3Il y a 13 années 8 semaines